Artesbibliografie – aanvullingen W-mail

Overzicht van recent verschenen literatuur en recensies, gesorteerd op auteursnaam.

Door: Erwin Huizenga, Sacha Voogd, Frederiekje de Jongh (sinds 2010 hebben Sacha Voogd en Frederiekje de Jongh de boekenrubriek in W-mail overgenomen van Erwin Huizenga)
Uit: W-mail jaargang 10-13

> Literatuuroverzicht uit W-mail jaargang 1 t/m 9 op auteursnaam

> Literatuuroverzicht uit W-mail jaargang 1 t/m 9 op jaartal



S. Adair Frank, ‘Ptolemy’s Geography and Renaissance Mapmakers. A Catalogue and Guide to the Exhibition at the Newberry Library’. In: Mapline. A Newletter Published by the Hermon Dunlap Smith Center for the History of Cartography at the Newberry Library (2008), nrs. 106-107, p. 1-8.

P. Alexandre-Bergues en Jeanyves Guérin (eds.), Savoirs et savants dans la littérature (Moyen Âge-XXe siècle). Paris, 2010.

Ambix. The Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry 56 (2009), nr. 1, Themanummer: Ancient and Medieval Alchemy.

  • M. Martelli, ‘“Divine Water” in the alchemical Writings of Pseudo-Democritus’, p. 5-22;
  • T.S. Richter, ‘What Kind Of Alchemy is Attested by Tenth-Century Coptic Manuscripts?, p. 23-35;
  • G. Ferrario, ‘An Arabic Dictionary of Technical Alchemical Terms. Ms. Sprenger 1908 of the Staatsbib-liothek zu Berlin (fols. 3r-6r)’, p. 36-48;
  • S. Moureau, ‘Some Considerations Concerning the Alchemy of the De anima in arte alchemiae of Pseudo-Avicenna’, p. 49-56;
  • A. Vinciguerra, ‘The Ars alchemie. The First Latin Text on Practical Alchemy’, p. 57-67;
  • A. Williams, ‘A Note on Liquid Iron in Medieval Europe’, p. 68-75;
  • B.C. Hallum, ‘The Tome of Images. An Arabic Compilation of Texts by Zosimos of Panopolis and a Source of theTurba Philosophorum’, p. 76-88.

J.H. Andrews, Maps in those days. Cartographic methods before 1850. Dublin, 2009.

C.M. Atkinson, The Critical Nexus. Tone-System, Mode, and Notation in Early Medieval Music. Oxford 2008. AMS Studies in Music.
Uit Klankbord. Nieuwsbrief voor antieke en middeleeuwse muziek 5: ‘The Critical Nexus richt zich op de vraag: waarom moesten melodieën die goddelijk waren geïnspireerd, worden veranderd om binnen het toenmalige modale systeem te passen?’

E. Aubrey, Poets and Singers. On Latin and Vernacular Monophonic Song. Aldershot, 2009. Music in Medieval Europe.
Uit de omschrijving van de uitgever: ‘Extant manuscripts are the principal medieval testimony to the art of monophonic song. Literary texts and archival materials, a few theoretical works, and numerous visual representations provide helpful perspective, but our path to the poets and singers lies through the efforts of scribes, and the myriad problems in interpreting what they tell us cast a long shadow over all research on monophonic song. The essays gathered here represent the principal themes and issues that have occupied scholars of late medieval monophonic songs over the last half century: their place in history and society, the role of women as composers and performers, poetic and musical structures, styles, and genres, relationships between poems and melodies, written and oral transmission, and performance practices. Studying how each of these themes is played out across repertoires, cultures, decades, and locations offers a rich and variegated panorama of the practice of song in late medieval Europe.’

DEEL I, History and Society:

  • C. Page, ‘Music and Chivalric Function in France 1150–1300’, p. 3-30;
  • R.E. Harvey, ‘Joglars and the Professional Status of the Early Troubadours’, p. 31-52;
  • B. Gillingham, ‘Turtles, Helmets, Parasites and Goliards’, p. 53-80;

DEEL II, Women:

  • J.T. Grimbert, ‘Diminishing the Trobairitz, Excluding the Women Trouvères’, p. 95-110;
  • S. Boynton, ‘Women’s Performance of the Lyric before 1500’, p. 111-136;

Deel III, Poetry and Music:

  • E. Aubrey, ‘Poetics and Music’, p. 137-156;
  • C. Page, ‘Johannes de Grocheio on Secular Music. A Corrected Text and a New Translation’, p. 157-182;
  • E. Aubrey, ‘Genre as a Determinant of Melody in the Songs of the Troubadours and the Trouvères’, p. 183-206;
  • J. Stevens, ‘“La Grande Chanson Courtoise”. The Chansons of Adam de la Halle’, p. 207-226;
  • T. Karp, ‘Interrelationships Between Poetic and Musical Form in Trouvère Song’, p. 227-252;
  • M.P. Ferreira, ‘Andalusian Music and the Cantigas de Santa Maria’, p. 253-266;
  • M.P. Ferreira, ‘Rondeau and Virelai. The Music of Andalus and the Cantigas de Santa Maria’, p. 267-282;

Deel IV, Transmission:

  • T. Karp, ‘The trouvère MS tradition’, p. 283-310;
  • H. van der Werf, ‘The Trouvère Chansons as Creations of a Notationless Musical Culture’, p. 311-318;
  • U. Aarburg, ‘Probleme um die Melodien des Minnesangs’, p. 319-342;

Deel V, Performance:

  • C. Page, ‘The 12th Century in the South’, p. 343-362;
  • S. Huot, ‘Voices and Instruments in Medieval French Secular Music. On the Use of Literary Texts as Evidence for Performance Practice’, p. 363-414;
  • E. Aubrey, ‘References to Music in Old Occitan Literature’, p. 415-454;
  • J.E. Maddrell, ‘Mensura and the Rhythm of Medieval Monodic Song’, p. 455-460;
  • H. van der Werf, ‘Concerning The Measurability of Medieval Music’, p. 461-466; J.E. Maddrell, ‘Grocheo and The Measurability of Medieval Music. A reply to Hendik van der Werf’, p. 467-468;
  • H. Tischler, ‘Rhythm, Meter, and Melodic Organization in Medieval Songs’, p. 469-488;
  • H. van der Werf, ‘The “Not-So-Precisely Measured” Music of the Middle Ages’, p. 489-508.

E. Azzopardi, The Coinage of the Crusaders and the World of Islam. Foto´s en ontwerp door D. Cilia. Santa Venera, Malta, 2006.
Recensie door J. Todesca in The Medieval Review 08.09.03.



P. Bakker en C. Di Martino (ed.), L’étude de l’âme entre physique et métaphysique. Perspectives grecques, arabes et latines, de l’Antiquité à la Renaissance. Turnhout, 2008. Textes et Études du Moyen Âge.

R. Bartlett, The natural and the supernatural in the Middle Ages. Cambridge University Press, Cam-
bridge, 2008.

B.M. Bedos-Rezak, When Ego Was Imago. Signs of Identity in the Middle Ages. Leiden, 2011.

P.J. Boner, ‘Kepler’s Early Astrological Calendars. Matter, Methodology and Multidisciplinarity’. In:Centaurus. International Magazine of the History of Science and Medicine 50 (2008), p. 324-328.
Uit de samenvatting: ‘From the beginning of his career, Kepler saw astrology as part of a larger intellectual enterprise that we might today consider interdisciplinary. In his quest to recover Adam’s prelapsarian knowledge, Kepler pursued archetypal principles that underlay observable phenomena. Kepler associated the apprehension of such principles with the physician’s arrival at ‘the inward causes’ of illnesses from their outward symptoms. In his early astrological calendars, Kepler interpreted his task of weather forecaster as that of diagnosing the earth’s meteorological responses to the realisation of archetypal principles in the configurations of the heavens. I argue that Kepler’s novel integration of medicine and astrometeorology indicated his intention from early on to restore astrology, along with all other areas of knowledge, to a superior philosophical standing.’

R. Bork, W.W. Clark en A. McGehee (eds.), New Approaches to Medieval Architecture.
Farnham, 2011.

A. Borrelli, Aspects of the Astrolabe. ‘Architectanica ratio’ in tenth and eleventh century Europe. Stuttgard, 2008. Sudhoffs Archiv, Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Beihefte 57.
Begeleidende tekst van de uitgever: “The astrolabe – often quoted as “the earliest computer” – is a mechanical instrument capable of performing astronomical computations. This study offers a new interpretation of its role in the Latin culture of the High Middle Ages, highlighting its epistemological significance. For Latin scholars around the year 1000, the astrolabe became the earliest, non-verbal channel to access and assimilate mathematical knowledge from the Arabic culture, and could be seen as representing a divine ‘architectonical rationality’ which humans could share in the mathematical experience.
The novel methodology of this work combines the results of historical and philological analyses of manuscripts and material sources with the most recent insights on different kinds of mathematical thinking. Focussing on drawings and text fragments, with a new, detailed analysis of ms. Paris BnF 7412 (11th c.), the study reconstructs the Latin high medieval mathematical experience, its non-verbal modes of communication and its relationship with both practice and philosophy.”

G. Bos (ed. en vert.), Maimonides. Medical Aphorisms: Treatises 6-9. A parallel Arabic-English edition. Provo, Utah, 2007. The Medical Works of Moses Maimonides.
Recensie door T. Visi in The Medieval Review 08.05.11.

G. Bos, M. Hussein, G. Mensching en F. Savelsberg, Medical Synonym Lists
from Medieval Provence. Shem Tov ben Isaac of Tortosa. Sefer ha-Shimmush.
Book 29
. Deel 1. Leiden, 2011.

C.M. Bower (transl.) and C.V. Palisca (ed.), Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius, Fundamentals of Music. Translated, with Introduction and Notes. Yale University Press, 1989.

R.H. Bremmer jr. en Kees Dekker (eds.), Practice in Learning. The Transfer of
Encyclopaedic Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages
. Parijs / Leuven / Walpole,
Informatie van de uitgever: “Throughout the early Middle Ages, education and learning in Western Europe underwent a substantial development, from Italy across the Alps, from Latin to the vernacular and from secular to (although not exclusively) religious. With Latin as its prime medium, developments in education and learning were genuinely international and allowed for a steady exchange of teachers and texts across borders and institutions. Members of the fifth-century Gallo-Roman senatorial classes – such as Eucherius of Lyons and
Cassiodorus – became bishops, abbots or founders of monasteries, and thereby catalysts in the transformation from secular to religious education.
Then as now intellectuals travelled, taking both their learning and their books with them: Theodore of Tarsus travelled from the extreme end of the Mediterranean to Italy and across the Alps; John Scottus Eriugena migrated from Ireland to France; Boniface from England to Germany; while Abbo later made a journey from Fleury to Abingdon and back – to name only a few examples. With the mobility of intellectuals comes the movement of texts and books: ranging from Pliny’s Historia naturalis and Isidore’s Etymologiae or the works of Bede to many of the smaller texts and fragments which have been the subject of study in the ‘Storehouses’ project.
Although almost all of the precise details of classroom practice in the early Middle Ages remain hidden to the modern eye, and identifiable students’ copy books or note-pads are rare, some of the texts and books that have survived still recall the monastic auditorium or schola because of their potential use in the classroom or in view of the texts found in these books. Often these texts and manuscripts testify to the international developments outlined above and to the international nature of the world of early medieval learning.
The articles in this second volume of ‘Storehouses of Wholesome Learning’ emanate from the second workshop in the project, this time held at Leiden in June 2005. They focus on illuminating the multifaceted practice of learning by laying bare the exchanges of scholarship between the British Isles and the continent. From the ‘Development of the Foetus’, found in Bremmer’s contribution, to the ‘Fifteen Signs of Doomsday’, the encyclopaedic knowledge that was disseminated all over Western Europe in written texts and, in all likelihood, through oral transmission, featured strongly in the practice of early medieval learning. The subject of that learning was nothing less than life itself, both in the physical and in the spiritual sense of the word.”

K.H. Broekhuijsen, The Masters of the Dark Eyes. Late Medieval Manuscript Painting in Holland. Turnhout, 2009.

W.C. Brown, Violence in Medieval Europe. Harlow, 2011.
Uit de recensie van O. Falk in The Medieval Review [] 11.07.25: “This is an important and welcome book. First and foremost, Brown here surveys a tremendous literature on medieval violence, which has grown exponentially in the last couple of decades. Many edited volumes and narrow studies have appeared but, until now, no monographic overview. Brown not only wrestles this burgeoning scholarship into synthetic shape; the value of his work lies, second, in digesting it into a teaching text. His book neatly complements document collections like Dan Smail and Kelly Gibson’s Vengeance in Medieval Europe. A Reader (UTP, 2009), and it far outstrips the analytic ambitions of, say, Julius Ruff’s Violence in Early Modern Europe 1500-1800 (Cambridge UP, 2001), with which instructors of courses on medieval violence have had to make do as a very imperfect (and tangential) Ersatz. This is the book that finally allows us to teach medieval violence without having to reinvent the wheel. A third merit is the text’s accessibility: it summarizes for undergraduates such classic narratives as the depravities of the Jacquerie (270-71, vividly depicted on the cover, too), glosses terms (e.g., capitulary, 47) and invokes present-day parallels to salve the exposure to medieval alterity (Wikipedia provides a contemporary example of violent self-help, 296-97n11). Finally, Brown’s willingness to put forth his own interpretations, crystalline and sometimes polemical, does both students and scholars an enormous service. There are many points, both large and small, on which his presentation or conclusions might be hotly contested, without in the least detracting from Brown’s cardinal scholarly achievement.”

L. Brubaker en K. Linardou (ed.), Eat, Drink and Be Merry (Luke 12:19). Food and Wine in Byzantium. Papers of the 37th Annual Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, in Honour of Professor A.A.M. Bryer. Aldershot, 2007.
Recensie door W. Mayer in The Medieval Review 08.10.03.

T. Bruggisser-Lanker, Musik und Tod im Mittelalter. Imaginationsräume der Transzendenz. Göttin-gen, 2010.

R.B. Burke (transl.), The Opus Majus of Roger Bacon. 2 vols. Kessinger Publishing, 2002.

C. Burnett (transl.), Adelard of Bath, Conversations with his nephew, On the same and the different, Questions on natural science, and On birds. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998.

E.J. Burns, Sea of Silk. A Textile Geography of Women’s Work in Medieval French Literature. Philadelphia, 2009.



G. de Callatay en B. van den Abeele (éd.), Une lumière venue d’ailleurs. Héritages et ouvertures dans les encyclopédies d’Orient et d’Occident au Moyen Age. Actes du colloque de Louvain-la-Neuve, 19-21 mai 2005. Turnhout, 2009.
Beschrijving van de uitgever: ‘L’encyclopédisme médiéval a fait l’objet de divers colloques ces dernières années, apportant des éclairages complémentaires. Le colloque «Une lumière venue d’ailleurs» s’est donné pour objectif général de mettre en parallèle les traditions encyclopédiques orientales et occidentales, sur base d’études philologiques et historiques. Ce volume souhaite faire mieux comprendre les influences que l’Occident chrétien, l’Islam et le monde hébraïque exercèrent l’un sur l’autre à cette époque-charnière de leur histoire.’

D.A. Callus, ‘Robert Grosseteste as Scholar’. In: Daniel Angelo Callus (ed.), Robert Grosseteste, Scholar and Bishop: Essays in Commemoration of the Seventh Centenary of His Death. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1955.

E. Canone en I.D. Rowland (ed.), The Alchemy of Extremes. The Laboratory of the Eroici Furori of Giordano Bruno. Pisa/Rome, 2007.
Uit de recensie door A. Saiber in The Medieval Review 08.10.20: ‘[The book] is a wonderful and welcome addition to recent Bruno studies, which continue to flourish. […] The Alchemy of Extremes is the proceedings of a conference dedicated to Bruno’s 1585 dialogue, De gli eroici furori [The Heroic Frenzies] held May 9-10, 2003 at the American Academy in Rome and co-hosted by the Istituto del Lessico Intellettuale Europeo. […] The word “laboratory” chosen by the editors is an apt term to describe Bruno’s Furori. Reading the text is, in fact, like entering a busy workshop and seeing before you numerous individuals (the interlocutors: ten, to be exact) crafting an amalgam of dialogue, prose, poetry, mottos, and verbally-depicted emblems. Placed by Bruno as the final dialogue of six that he wrote while in England, and his last published text in Italian, the Furori is, arguably, an important text to investigate in light of his early and mid-production thought. 

F. Capaccioni (ed.), Liber avium viventium de rapina. Turnhout, 2008. Textes vernaculaires du moyen âge 7.
Betreft een tekst over de valkenhouderij. Uit de omschrijving van de uitgever: ‘Daté entre la fin du trei-zième et le début du quatorzième siècle, attribué à Egidius de Aquino, il s’agit d’un traité de fauconnerie écrit originalement en latin et traduit ensuite en italien.’

A. Cattaneo, Fra Mauro’s Mappa mundi and Fifteenth-Century Venice. Turnhout, 2011.

E. Chayes, L’Éloquence des Pierres précieuses. De Marbodede Rennes à Alard d’Amsterdam et Rémy Belleau. Sur quelques lapidaires du xvie siècle. Paris, 2010. Bibliothèque littéraire de la Renaissance 78.

M. Clagett, The Science of Mechanics in the Middle Ages. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1959.

A. Classen (ed.), Laughter in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times. Epistemology of a Fundamental Human Behavior, Its Meaning, and Consequences. Berlin / New York, 2010.

A.B. Cobban, English University Life in the Middle Ages. UCL Press, London, 1999.

L. Cochrane, Adelard of Bath: The First English Scientist. British Museum Press, London, 1994.

A.S. Cohen (ed.), Eye and Mind. Collected Essays in Anglo-Saxon and Early Medieval Art by Robert Deshman. Kalamazoo, 2010.

M. Connolly, ‘Practical Reading for Body and Soul in Some Later Medieval Manuscript Miscellanies’. In:Journal of the Early Book Society For The Study of Manuscript and Printing History 10 (2007), p. 151-174.

F.C. Copleston, A History of Medieval Philosophy. Methuen, London, 1972.

C. Cornelisse, Energiemarkten en energiehandel in Holland in de late Middeleeuwen. Hilversum, 2008. Hollandse Studiën 43.
Uit de beschrijving van de uitgever: ‘Holland behoorde met Vlaanderen en Zeeland bij de eerste economieën die van de rijkdom van een in de bodem opgeslagen energieschat, zijnde turf, profiteerden en zich daardoor konden ontwikkelen. Per hoofd gerekend was Holland in de late Middeleeuwen waarschijnlijk de grootste energieverbruiker van heel Europa. De behoefte aan energie werd gestimuleerd door de bevolkingsgroei, de verstedelijking, de exportindustrie, de verstening van de steden en de behoefte aan hoge en grote bouwwerken. In deze studie staat de ontwikkeling van handel in en markten van energie in het laatmiddeleeuwse Holland beneden het IJ centraal. Charles Cornelisse beschrijft onder andere de verschillende brandstoffen met hun voor- en nadelen, hun toepassingen binnen en buiten Holland, het transport, de rol van de stedelijke overheden, de relatie tussen steden en platteland, prijzen en accijnzen, kopers en verkopers, export en import.’

R. Copeland en I. Sluiter (eds.), Medieval Grammar and Rhetoric. Language Arts and Literary The-ory. Oxford, 2010.

Y. Coutant, Dictionnaire historique et technique du moulin dans le nord de la France. De Lille à Cambrai du 13e au 18e siècle. Turnhout, 2009. De diversis artibus 84.
Uit de omschrijving van de uitgever: ‘Dankzij de studie van de oude woordenschat van molenaars, timmerlui en smeden, die in het noorden van Frankrijk werkzaam waren, is de auteur erin geslaagd een schat aan woorden te verzamelen, die des te belangrijker is daar de streek steeds beroemd is geweest voor haar meel- en olieproductie. Deze woordenschat is een onmisbare aanvulling bij traditionele woordenboeken, die zelden technisch vocabularium bevatten: meer dan twintig procent van de definities of woorden zijn nieuw. De duidelijke en nauwkeurige definities, de zo gediversifieerd en gedetailleerd mogelijke voorbeelden, en de talrijke illustraties zullen niet alleen de molenspecialist boeien, maar ook de onderzoekers, die geconfronteerd kunnen worden (bijv. in archieven) met technische gegevens in teksten. Doorheen de verschillende artikels van dit woordenboek ontstaat een nieuw beeld van de molen, dat doorheen de eeuwen evolueert en dat bewondering afdwingt. Eindelijk is nu een woordenboek voorhanden die handwerklieden aan bod laat komen. In de loop der eeuwen hebben zij de mensheid bevrijd van zwaarste arbeid, en zo indirect bijgedragen aan de ontwikkeling van haar geestelijke ontplooiing.’

K. Cregan. The Theatre of the Body. Staging Death and Embodying Life in Early-Modern London. Turnhout, 2009. Late Medieval and Early Modern Studies.

Ch. Crisciani, L. Repici, en P. B. Rossi (ed.), Vita longa. Vecchiaia e durata della vita nella tradizione medica e aristotelica antica e medievale. Turnhout, 2009. Micrologus’ Library.

A.C. Crombie, Robert Grosseteste and the Origins of Experimental Science, 1100–1700. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1953.

M.J. Crowe. Mechanics from Aristotle to Einstein. Santa Fe, N.M., 2007.
Recensie door W.R. Laird in: Isis. An International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences 99 (2008), nr. 4, p. 813-814.

A. Cunningham and P. Williams, ‘De-centring the “Big Picture”: The Origins of Moderne Science en the Modern Origins of Science’. In: The British Journal for the History of Science 26-4 (1993), p. 407–432.



P. van Dam, ‘[Recensie van: J.M. Van Winter, Spices and Comfits. Collected Papers on Medieval Food. Blackatown, 2007]’. In: Millennium. Tijdschrift voor middeleeuwse studies 22 (2008), nr. 1, p. 97-99.

W. Davies en P. Fouracre (eds.), The Languages of Gift in the Early Middle Ages. Cambridge / New York, 2010.

T.L. Davis (transl.), Roger Bacon’s letter concerning the marvellous power of art and of nature and concerning the nullity of magic. Chemical Publishing Company, Easton, 1923.

M. Demaules, La Corne et l’Ivoire. Étude sur le récit de rêve dans la littérature romanesque des XIIe et XIIIe siècles. Paris, 2010.

P. Dendle en A. Touwaide (ed.), Health and Healing from the Medieval Garden. Woodbridge, 2008.
Uit de recensie van Ü. Sillasoo in The Medieval Review 09.03.15: ‘This book mainly deals with the history of medicine and medical uses of plants. The contributions deal with plants and medicine of Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Anglo-Saxons and English in antiquity, during the Carolingian Renaissance, and in the Middle Ages. Articles on the sources of and medical uses of plants give a historical overview of the materia medica in Europe since Hippocrates, the origin of possible cultural influences, contacts, and the variety of ideologies on powers and properties of plants. The topics also include plant names, cooking in the Middle Ages, Spanish gardens, treatises on individual plants (rosemary), and modern reconstructions of medieval gardens.


  • A. Touwaide, ‘The Legacy of Classical Antiquity in Byzantium and the West’;
  • L.E. Voigts, ‘Plants and Planets. Linking the Vegetable with the Celestial in Late- Medieval Texts’;
  • P. Dendle, ‘Plants in the Early Medieval Cosmos. Herbs, Divine Potency, and the Scala natura’;
  • T. Scully, ‘A Cook’s Therapeutic Use of Garden Herbs’;
  • A. Touwaide, ‘The Jujube-Tree in the Eastern Mediterranean. A Case Study in the Methodology of Textual Archaobotany’;
  • M. D’Aronco, ‘Gardens on Vellum. Plants and Herbs in Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts’;
  • P. Rusche, ‘The Sources for Plant Names in Anglo-Saxon England and the Laud Herbal Glossary’;
  • M. Osborn, ‘Anglo-Saxon Ethnobotany. Women’s Reproductive Medicine in Leechbook III’;
  • P.M. Jones, ‘Herbs and the Medieval Surgeon’;
  • G.R. Keiser, ‘Rosemary: Not Just for Rememberance’;
  • E.G. Sánchez, ‘Utility and Aesthetics in the Gardens of al-Andalus. Species with Multiple Uses’;
  • D. Larkin, ‘Hortus Redivivus. The Medieval Garden Recreated’.

N. van Deusden, The Cultural Context of Medieval Music. Santa Barbara, 2011.

L. DeVun, Prophecy, Alchemy and the End of Time. John of Rupescissa in the Late Middle Ages. New York, 2009.

D. Dewolf en H. Wollens, ‘Op zoek naar sporen van Galenus: een wandeling in Rome’. In: Geschiedenis der Geneeskunde 12 (2008), nr. 5, p. 260-272.
Rijk geïllustreerd artikel, onderdeel van een serie, over de sporen die de ook in de Middeleeuwen nog zeer invloedrijke arts Galenus heeft nagelaten in het hedendaagse Rome. Zie ook het artikel van Wollens, Dewolf en Van Ree elders in deze lijst.

J.E. Díaz Vera en R. Caballero (eds.), Textual Healing. Studies in Medieval English Medical, Scientific and Technical Texts. Bern, 2009.
Aanvullende informatie van de uitgever: “The studies presented in this volume concentrate on different aspects of the medical, scientific and technical varieties of early English used in a wide range of medieval manuscripts. As the growing body of research published in recent years has shown, analysing the language of specialised texts is an opportunity to obtain access to the early history and vernacularisation of learned writing styles. It is an area of study in which all the contributors have considerable expertise, which affords them to present data findings while discussing important methodological issues. In addition, in most cases data derive from specially-designed ‘second-generation’ corpora, reflecting state-of-the-art approaches to historical linguistics, discourse analysis and pragmatics. Theoretical issues concerning the digital edition of medical and scientific texts, their role in social network analysis, and their value in the identification of dialectal specific traits are highlighted by the authors.”

P. Dinzelbacher, Lebenswelten des Mittelalters, 1000-1500. Badenweiler, 2010.
Uit de recensie van D. Nicholas in The Medieval Review [] 10.11.10: “The author is a dis-tinguished Austrian historian, founder and editor emeritus of the journal Mediaevistik, whose previous publi-cations have emphasized the history of medieval mentalities, theology, gender, and religion. Dinzelbacher’s stated intention (9-10) is to write a survey that will correct the erroneous impressions that most beginning students and general readers have of the medieval period. He does not say explicitly what he means by Leb-enswelten, but he seems to use “fundamental elements of medieval forms of life” (10) as a synonym. This is less an intellectual history than a demonstration of how human behavior, not only concerning religious prac-tice but also in relations with other persons and with communities, was conditioned by traditional and new ideas.
The book has seven numbered chapters with endnotes and a short bibliography. Each except Chapters 5 and 6 have subheadings, which are useful for Chapters 1-4 but become a distraction in Chapter 7. Each chapter has quotations from original sources, some of which are separated from the main text by shading, translated by the author into modern German. Of the 68 shaded documents, 11 were written in France, 19 in Germany and the Low Countries, 19 in Britain, fourteen in Italy, four in Iberia, and one in Scandinavia. A clear secondary theme is thus to show German readers how their medieval history fits broader patterns derived from the west.”

L.E. Doggett, Love Cures. Healing and Love Magic in Old French Romance. Pennsylvania, 2009. Penn State Romance Studies.
Uit de recensie van M. Rampton in The Medieval Review [] 10.06.04: “Love Cures is an analysis of several high medieval romances, Cliges, the Roman de SilenceAmadas and Ydoine, and a collection of closely related Tristan and Iseut narratives. The author is interested in the intersection of love, healing and love magic in selected romance texts and argues that representations of love are indebted to, in fact reflect, actual twelfth- and thirteenth-century empirical practices and cultural and societal realities, meaning “observable phenomena that audiences experienced” (4). She claims that in medieval society of the time women medics were “often well known and highly respected in their communities” (4) and argues, “The romances depict empirics in a manner consistent with the picture sketched by historians of medicine and magic” (262). A secondary theme of the book concerns the tension between love and court expectations and how it plays out in marriage. She argues that the dynamic between love and “feudal” politics in romance texts gives female protagonists “choice” in marriage (31).”

P. Dronke (red.), A History of Twelfth-Century Western Philosophy. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998.

P. Duhamel, Polyphonie parisienne et architecture au temps de l’art gothique (1140-1240). Varia Musicologica 14. Bern, 2010.

G. Dunphy (ed.), The Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle. Leiden / Boston, 2010.

R.A. Dwyer, Boethian Fictions, Narratives in the Medieval French Versions of the Consolatio Philosophiae. Medieval Academy of America, 1976.



C. Eagleton, Monks, Manuscripts and Sundials. The Navicula in Medieval England. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, 2010.
Aanvullende informatie van de uitgever: “The navicula sundial, because of its rarity and attractive form, has interested curators and historians alike: Derek J. de Solla Price described it as “one of the most ingenious and sophisticated mathematical artefacts of the Middle Ages”. Although apparently a specifically English instrument, there is much debate about when and where it was invented, and about who made and used the five surviving medieval examples. This book brings together for the first time evidence from the surviving instruments, and written sources including four previously unknown texts describing how to make or use the instrument, along with previously unknown copies of the text on which previous studies were based.”

B.S. Eastwood, Ordering the Heavens. Roman Astronomy and Cosmology in the Carolingian Renaissance. Leiden, 2007. History of Science and Medicine Library 4; Medieval and Early Modern Science 8.
Recensie door M. Zuccato in: Isis. An International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences99 (2008), nr. 4, p. 823-824.

N. Edwards (ed.), The Archaeology of the Early Medieval Celtic Churches. Leeds, 2009.

J. Ehmer en C. Lis (eds.), The Idea of Work in Europe from Antiquity to Modern Times. Farnham, 2009.
Begeleidende tekst van de uitgever: “This volume takes a fresh and innovative approach to the history of ideas of work, concerning perceptions, attitudes, cultures and representations of work throughout Antiquity and the medieval and early modern periods. Focusing on developments in Europe, the contributors approach the subject from a variety of angles, considering aspects of work as described in literature, visual culture, and as perceived in economic theory. As well as external views of workers the volume also looks at the meaning of work for the self-perception of various social groups, including labourers, artisans, merchants, and noblemen, and the effects of this on their self-esteem and social identity. Taking a broad chronological approach to the subject provides readers with a cutting-edge overview of research into the varying attitudes to work and its place in pre-industrial society.”

M.J. Elsakkers, Reading between the lines. Old Germanic and early Christian views on abortion. Amsterdam, 2010.

M. Elsakkers, ‘De “status” van het ongeboren kind in de Oudgermaanse wetten’.
In: Madoc 24 (2011), nr. 4, p. 232-242.

S.A. Epstein, An Economic and Social History of Later Medieval Europe, 1000-1500. Cambridge, 2009.

E. L’Estrange, Holy motherhood. Gender, dynasty and visual culture in the later middle ages. Manchester medieval studies. Manchester en New York, 2008.

M. Everist, The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Music. Cambridge, 2011.

J.R. Eyler (ed.), Disability in the Middle Ages. Reconsiderations and Reverberations. Farnham / Burlington, 2010.



D. Fallows, Composers and their Songs, 1400–1521. Variorum Collected Studies Series. Aldershot, 2010.

O. Ferm en V. Honemann (ed.), Chess and Allegory in the Middle Ages. A Collection of Essays. Stockholm, 2005. Runica et Mediaevalia Scripta minora 12.
Recensie door D.E. O’Sullivan in The Medieval Review 08.06.11.

R. Fossier, The Axe and the Oath. Ordinary Life in the Middle Ages. Princeton, 2010.
Uit de recensie van C.H. Berman in The Medieval Review [] 11.06.32: “The idea behind this book – a history of the ordinary man (human) in the Middle Ages – is a compelling but difficult one. Only someone as experienced and erudite as Robert Fossier could manage to provide so much detail about things for which references are often found only in obscure corners of the medieval literature, documentation and archaeological record. It is a fascinating book to read. It is frustrating in its lack of citations and bibliography. It is also uneven in its treatment of various subjects, being strongest on those areas that are Fossier’s research specialties, the history of the medieval rural world. The impetus forThe Axe and the Oath thus appears to be a reaction to current tendencies to dismiss anything outré as ‘medieval’. He denounces: “The ignorant chatterboxes who reign over our sources of information [who] may indeed call a particular decision or event ‘medieval’, but fail to see that they are still living ‘in the Middle Ages’.” As Fossier concludes on p. 384, he is not only addressing that group; indeed: “I am not quite sure whom I am addressing… Simplistic for the erudite, confusing for the student, obscure for the non-initiate? I don’t know: I felt like saying all this, and that is enough.”
As to its originality, he says on p. xii: “I have borrowed almost everything from others and I do not cite them. But, as is usually said in hastily prepared acknowledgments, they will recognize themselves. Here and there I have added a thought or two of my own, especially on the import of what is ‘natural’ and on the ‘misery’ of men.” This is an understatement, for in many parts of its nearly 400 pages Fossier introduces new ideas, new findings and new ways of viewing the medieval world.”

L. Fransen, A. Norgaard en E. Ostergard. Medieval Garments Reconstructed: Norse Clothing Patterns. Aarhus, 2011.
Uit de recensie van S. Bergerbrant in The Medieval Review [] 11.06.22: “This book should be regarded as a supplement to the book Woven into the Earth. Textiles from Norse Greenland written by Else Ostergard in 2004. The book Medieval Garments Reconstructed is a useful practical guide to making Norse period clothing based on actual finds. The original book Woven into the Earth. Textiles from Norse Greenland deals with most of the topics in this book, but in much greater depth, and is essential reading for anyone with an academic interest in the subject. While the subsequent publication does not expand on the earlier book, or meet its standard in terms of background and history, it does serve a utilitarian function by including a practical section detailing how to reconstruct prehistoric and historic clothing, including actual patterns.



R. Gabriel, ‘Boekenlijsten en Material Philology. Methodologische overwegingen bij de boekenlijst van Michael van der Stoct (ca. 1394)’. In: Queeste 16 (2009), nr. 2, p. 83-111.

M.C. Gadebush Bondio und Thomas Ricklin (ed.), Exempla medicorum. Die Ärzte und ihre Beispiele (14.-18. Jahrhundert). Turnhout, 2008. Micrologus’ Library 26.

  • M. Gadebusch Bondio en Th. Ricklin, ‘Einleitung’;
  • S. Geisler, ‘Platons Arztvergleich Arzt und Medizin als Modell für gutes Leben und richtige Politik’;
  • O. Auge, ‘Leben im mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Hospital als Exemplum’;
  • K. Bergdolt, ‘Ein frühhumanistisches Exemplum – Petrarcas Polemik gegen die Medizin’;
  • Th. Ricklin, ‘Quasi Esculapius alter: Wie Boccaccio mit Hilfe der Medizinheroen Äskulap, Apoll und Merkur die Tollheit der antiken Götterfabeln bewältigt’;
  • C. Crisciani, ‘Exempla in medicina epistemologia, ensegnamento, retorica (secoli XIII-XV). Una proposta di ricerca’;
  • G. Zuccolin, ‘Il ruolo dell’exemplum nella produzione medica e religiosa di Michele Savonarola (1385-1466)’;
  • M. Gadebusch Bondio, ‘Von der Vielfalt der Exempla in frühneuzeitlichen medizinischen Texten’;
  • R. Poma, ‘Formes de l’exemplarité dans la médicine des XVIe et XVIIe siècles’;
  • H.-U. Lammel, ‘“Seuchenspezialist” und “fliegender Arzt”. Hippokrates-Bilder in der Frühen Neuzeit’;
  • I. Zinguer, ‘Les Hermaphrodites, de l’exemple médical (Jacques Duval) au modèle littéraire (Thomas Artus)’;
  • D. Schäfer, ‘Gullivers Greise und Medeas Mixturen frühneuzeitliche Beispiele für Langlebigkeit im medizinischen und nichtmedizinischen Kontext’.

V.L. Garver, Women and Aristocratic Culture in the Carolingian World. New York, 2009.

A. Gautier, ‘[Recensie van: J.M. Van Winter, Spices and Comfits. Collected Papers on Medieval Food. Blackatown, 2007]’. In: The Medieval Review 08.06.24.

L. van Gemert (hoofdred.) e.a., Women’s writing from the Low Countries 1200-1875. A Bilingual Anthology. Amsterdam, 2010.
In deze tweetalige bloemlezing gaan de Middelnederlandse teksten vergezeld van een moderne Engelse vertaling. In hoofdstuk 6 gaat Orlanda Lie in op Christine de Pizans Livre de la cité des dames. Vooral interessant zijn echter de hoofstukken 7 en 8, waarin Orlanda Lie specifieke artesonderwerpen bespreekt. In hoofdstuk 7 komt het lepratraktaat van Barbere Sagers aan bod, hoofdstuk 8 gaat dieper in op de Trotula-traditie.

P. Gifreu (ed. en vert.), Arnaud de Villeneuve. Le Livre des Vins. Perpignan,
Uit de recensie van C.C. Ames in The Medieval Review [] 12.05.02: “Some academic books might drive us to drink, but this little translation encourages one to raise a glass gladly. The Liber de vinis (also known as theTractatus de vinis) is a brief work in Latin often dated to 1309-1311 and ascribed to the fascinating polymath Arnau de Vilanova (c. 1238-1311). Arnau moved in a sophisticated politico-ecclesiastical orbit: born in southern Aragon and trained in medicine in Montpellier, student of Hebrew and Arabic, friend of Ramon Llull, he was court doctor for (among others) Jaime II of Aragon, Frederick III of Sicily, and Pope Clement V. In his spare time, he wrote theological and medical texts in both Latin and Catalan.
Influenced by Joachim of Fiore and Pierre de Jean Olivi, Arnau fell into the apocalyptic currents of Spiritual Franciscanism, was condemned for his writing on Antichrist, and spent the last years of his life defending the dissenting friars. While there is much rewarding research on his dramatic career – such as the masterful work of Michael McVaugh – one obstruction to Arnau studies is the challenge of untangling the authentic from pseudonymous writings, a challenge that has most recently assigned the Liber de vinis to the latter category. Yet while Arnau’s authorship of De vinis is unsure, inarguably the text reflects the thriving world of medicine in the later medieval Mediterranean.”

E. Grant, Science and Religion, 400 b.c. to a.d. 1550. From Aristotle to Copernicus. Herdruk. Baltimore, 2006.
Recensie door R. Drayton in: Isis. An International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences99 (2008), nr. 4, p. 814-816. Omschrijving: ‘In this book, historian Edward Grant il-luminates just how much of today’s scientific culture originated with the religious thinkers of the Middle Ages. Rather than being hostile to natural philosophy and the influx of Greco-Arabic science, medieval theologians embraced it. In the early centuries of Christianity, Christians studied science and natural phi-losophy only to the extent that these subjects proved useful for a better understanding of the Christian faith – not to acquire knowledge for its own sake. With the influx of Greco-Arabic science in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, however, their approach to science changed dramatically. Despite some tensions in the thirteenth century, the Church and its followers became favorably disposed toward science and natural philosophy and used them extensively in their theological deliberations.’

G.L. Greco en C.M. Rose (trans.), The Good Wife’s Guide. Le ménagier de Paris. A Medieval Household Book. Ithaca, New York en London, 2009.

M.H. Green, Making Women’s Medicine Masculine. The Rise of Male Authority in Pre-Modern Gyneacology. Oxford, 2008.
Begeleidende tekst van de uitgever: “Making Women’s Medicine Masculine challenges the common belief that prior to the eighteenth century men were never involved in any aspect of women’s healthcare in Europe. Using sources ranging from the writings of the famous twelfth-century female practitioner, Trota of Salerno, all the way to the great tomes of Renaissance male physicians, and covering both medicine and surgery, this study demonstrates that men slowly established more and more authority in diagnosing and prescribing treatments for women’s gynaecological conditions (especially infertility) and even certain obstetrical conditions. Even if their ‘hands-on’ knowledge of women’s bodies was limited by contemporary mores, men were able to establish their increasing authority in this and all branches of medicine due to their greater access to literacy and the knowledge contained in books, whether in Latin or the vernacular. As Monica Green shows, while works written in French, Dutch, English, and Italian were sometimes addressed to women, nevertheless even these were often re-appropriated by men, both by practitioners who treated women and by laymen interested to learn about the ‘secrets’ of generation.
While early in the period women were considered to have authoritative knowledge on women’s conditions (hence the widespread influence of the alleged authoress ‘Trotula’), by the end of the period to be a woman was no longer an automatic qualification for either understanding or treating the conditions that most commonly afflicted the female sex – with implications of women’s exclusion from production of knowledge on their own bodies extending to the present day.”

C. Grellard en A. Robert (red.), Atomism in Late Medieval Philosophy and Theology. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, 2008.
Aanvullende informatie van de uitgever: “This book is the result of a collective attempt to give a general survey of the development of atomism and its critics in the late Middle Ages. All the contributors focussed on the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries atomists and anti-atomists, with a thorough examination of some important figures, as Nicholas of Autrecourt or John Wyclif, and lesser known as Gerard of Odo or William Crathorn for example. From those essays on particular authors a new way of understanding the discussions of atomism in late medieval philosophy and theology emerges. This volume demonstrates the existence of strong and complicated connections between natural philosophy, mathematics and theology in the medieval discussions of the atomistic hypothesis. All chapters present a new research that will be of interest to historians of medieval philosophy, science and theology.”

P.J. de Grieck, De Benedictijnse Geschiedschrijving in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (ca. 1150-1550). Historisch Bewustzijn en Monastieke Identiteit. Leuven, 2010.

C. Griffin, ‘“A Good Reder and a Deuout”. Instruction, Reading and Devotion in the Wise Book of Philosophy and Astronomy’. In: Journal of the Early Book Society For The Study of Manuscript and Printing History 10 (2007), p. 107-128.

L.P. Grijp en F. Willaert (ed.), De fiere nachtegaal. Het Nederlandse lied in de middeleeuwen. Amsterdam, 2008.
Bevat bijdragen van literatuurhistorici en muziekhistorici over context en praktijk van geestelijke en wereldlijke Nederlandse liederen tot 1600. Inhoud:

  • L.P. Grijp en F. Willaert, ‘Inleiding’, p. 11-18;
  • H. Pleij, ‘Over de interpretatie van het oude lied’, p. 19-32;
  • A. Daróczi, ‘Hadewijch: mystiek tussen oraliteit en schriftelijkheid. Over de verbinding van inhoud en vorm’, p. 33-54;
  • B. Schmelzer, ‘De zingende Hadewijch II. Uitvoeringspraktijk van de liederen en praktische muziek’, p. 55-74;
  • H. Tervooren, ‘Een tweede proefvlucht naar het zwarte gat van de veertiende eeuw. De opvattingen van een germanist’, p. 75-90;
  • F. Willaert, ‘Klerikalisering of verburgerlijking? Enkele beschouwingen over het profiel van de Gruuthuse-dichter(s)’, p. 91-104;
  • I. de Loos, De liederen van het Gruuthuse-handschrift. Notatie, uitvoeringspraktijk en editieproblemen’, p. 105-128;
  • H. Brinkman, ‘“Schoon onderworpen droefheid”. Over opmars, resonantie en interpretatie van het Egidiuslied’, p. 129-148;
  • U. Hascher-Burger, ‘Vrouwenlied en mannenzang. Latijnse geestelijke gezangen in laatmiddeleeuwse liederenhandschriften uit de Lage Landen’, p. 149-174;
  • H. Joldersma, ‘“Jezus als wijnschenker” in het laatmiddeleeuwse geestelijk lied. Een inventariserende voorstudie’, p. 175-190;
  • D. Coigneau, ‘Vrient, ghij moet eens singen. Het lied in de rederijkersklucht’, p. 191-204;
  • J. Oosterman, ‘Mocht ik van haar verwerven… Over verzamelingen en verzamelaars in de Middeleeuwen en de zestiende eeuw’, p. 205-218;
  • M. de Bruin, ‘Een profeet uit het Oosten. Spiritualist Hendrik Niclaes en de Nederlandse liedcultuur’, p. 219-230;
  • M. de Bruin, ‘Een nóg ouder geuzenliedboek. Signalement van de druk (1576-1577) met de oudst bekende Nederlandse Wilhelmustekst’, p. 231-250;
  • D. van der Poel, ‘Liefdesliedjes uit Amsterdam. Het Aemstelredams Amoreus lietboeck (1589)’, p. 251-268;
  • C. Strijbosch, ‘Vrouw maan, blijf staan. Wereldlijke liederenverzamelingen van de zestiende eeuw’, p. 269-298;
  • W.P. Gerritsen, ‘Hoffmann von Fallersleben en het Antwerps Liedboek’, p. 299-310;
  • L.P. Grijp,‘Onder de altijdgroene linde. Over orale principes in Middelnederlandse liederen’, p. 311-330;
  • I. van Beersum, ‘Onder de altijdgroene linde II. Persoonlijke inbreng van zangers in de mondelinge liedcultuur’, p. 331-340;
  • P. Wackers, ‘Methodologische overwegingen bij het Repertorium van het Nederlandse lied tot 1600’, p. 341-360.

P.-M. Guihard, Monnaies gauloises et circulation monétaire dans l’actuelle Normandie. Collection de la médiathèque municipale de Bayeux (Calvados). Turnhout, 2008. Publications du Centre de Recherches Archéologiques et Historiques Médiévales.
Uit de beschrijving van de uitgever: ‘Indispensable aux numismates, ce catalogue est aussi, par le plaisir visuel que procurent les photographies couleur de ces monnaies, un moyen original de découvrir une pé-riode trop mal connue.’



G. Halsall, Cemeteries and Society in Merovingian Gaul. Selected Studies in History and Archaeology, 1992-2009. Leiden, 2010.
Uit de recensie van B. Young in The Medieval Review [] 10.10.09: “The eleven chapters and five commentaries assembled in this volume offer an intellectual autobiography in mid-career. Since he studied them “as an equal combination at the University of York” Guy Halsall has been inspired by the “profound conviction that a rounded appreciation of the early medieval period can only come through knowing about history and archaeology”. The often rocky relationship between the two, in Britain, is the first of the four general themes treated in this book, consisting of an essay “Archaeology and Historiography” (first published in 1997) followed by an updating commentary “Archaeology and its Discontents.” The discontents are traced to the impact in England, from about 1970 of the American “New Archaeology” (a.k.a. “processual archaeology”), aggressively flaunting the banner of a social science grounded in material culture and anthropology while declaring emphatic independence of the “biased” written sources of historians. Despite the more recent development (notably at Cambridge) of a “post-processual archaeology”, whose interests overlap with cultural history, Halsall laments that a “one-sided polemic” persists. British archaeologists suspect historians of disrespecting them and are woefully ignorant of historical method; on the other hand “historians are nowadays well aware that they do not have the skills to analyse archaeological data”. The way out of this impasse, Halsall suggests, can come only “when archaeology has developed a realistic sense of its potentials” and can engage with coherence and self-confidence in dialogue with historians. His own embrace of the “post-processual” paradigm, which emphasizes the role of ritual and material symbols in creating new identities and competing for power, has grounded the historian sufficiently in archaeological theory to dialogue vigorously with them.”

J. Hannam, God’s philosophers. How the medieval world laid the foundations of modern science.
Icon Books Ltd., London, 2009.
Wetenschapshistoricus James Hannam plaatst middeleeuwse wetenschappers in hun historische context en laat zien hoe baandoorbrekend en innovatief hun ideeën en ontdekkingen waren. Daarbij ontkracht hij heel wat vooroordelen. Helaas is het hoofdstuk over magie en geneeskunst minder objectief. Dit boek is ook verschenen in een Nederlandse vertaling van Paul Syrier: Gods filosofen. Hoe in de middeleeuwen de basis werd gelegd voor de moderne wetenschap (Nieuw Amsterdam, 2010).

P. Hardwick, English Medieval Misericords. The Margins of Meaning. Woodbridge, 2011.

H. Haug, ‘Le passage de la lecture oralisée à la lecture silencieuse: un mythe?’ In: Le Moyen Francais 65 (2009), p. 1-22.

R. Hebing, ‘(Bij)geloof en bescherming. Een Hemelsbrief als amulet in een laat-middeleeuws Engels gebedenboek’. In: Madoc 23 (2009), nr. 4, p. 204-214.

J. Henderson, The Medieval World of Isidore of Seville. Truth from Words. Cambridge, 2007.
Uit de recensie door G.I. Halfond in The Medieval Review 08.05.18: ‘John Henderson has produced a methodical commentary of Isidore’s labyrinthine Etymologies, a work he calls a “compelling attempt to systematize the conceptual archive of Roman memory,” and one of the most popular and influential works over the course of the Middle Ages. […] Henderson’s book is divided into two parts: “Preliminaries” and “Reading the Etymologiae”. He begins with a brief introduction in which he presents his thesis that Isidore attempted in his work to recreate the world through words. […] Henderson uses Part 1 of his book to examine the organization of Isidore’s etymological encyclopedia. […] Having established his modus operandi, Henderson moves on to his reading of Isidore in Part 2. Henderson goes book by book through the Etymologies, glossing Isidore’s text in a clearly erudite, but exceptionally idiosyncratic manner. Henderson approaches the text like an educational syllabus whose purpose is to impart worldly (and otherworldly) knowledge. He observes how Isidore begins his educational-cum-artistic program with the Seven Liberal Arts (Books 1-3), beginning with grammar and individual letters. Isidore’s method, as Henderson explains, assumes that a student must learn one discipline before he can move on to the next, i.e. grammar before rhetoric before mathematics. […] For Isidore, the history of humanity is simultaneously the history of etymology, and words offer the means to understanding the fruits of Creation. Isidore’s progress through the Liberal Arts, in fact, ends in the heavens (i.e. Astronomy). […] Isidore follows his tour through the Liberal Arts with post-graduate coursework in Medicine, Law, History, and Theology (Books 4-7). The Bible, for Isidore, is a book as well as a library, which “lifts our schooling to a higher level” (99). Books 8-15 take on the ambitious task of organizing the universe by language, nation, species, and environment. The final five books, in Henderson’s estimation, deal with “the evolution of human culture through the exploitation of resources by the proliferating technologies pooled and developed in the world accessed by Isidore’s words” (182).’

C.B. Hieatt (ed.) A Gathering of Medieval English Recipes. Turnhout, 2008. Textes vernaculaires du moyen âge 5.
Uit de omschrijving van de uitgever: ‘This book is a collection of medieval English culinary recipes which have not been edited before. Some of them come from brief collections which have not been previously published, or are found in isolation or very small groups in manuscripts which do not contain such collections. Others come from collections which have been used, or viewed, primarily for collation, but which contain other recipes which had not yet been noted. It was the author’s object to gather together all the recipes which had not been edited and published, or are not currently being edited by others, to make the record of English recipes of this period as complete as possible. The volume concludes with a supplement to the recently published Concordance of English Recipes: Thirteenth Through Fifteenth Centuries, adding all the “new” recipes to that Concordance, except for a few which are so fragmentary as not to deserve listing.

C.B. Hieatt (ed. en vert.), Cocatrice and Lampray Hay. Late Fifteenth-Century Recipes from Corpus Christi College Oxford. Totnes, 2012.

D. Hiley, Gregorian Chant. Cambridge, 2009.

H. Hirai, Cornelius Gemma, Cosmology, Medicine and Natural Philosophy in Renaissance Louvain. Pisa en Rome, 2008. Bruniana & Campanelliana, Supplementi XXIV.

R. Hofmeister Pich (ed.), New Essays on Metaphysics as Scientia Transcendens. Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Medieval Philosophy, held at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre/Brazil, 15-18 August 2006. Turnhout, 2008. Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge 43.

H. Hoover and L.H. Hoover (transl.), Georg Agricola, De re metallica. The Mining Magazine, London, 1912.

A. Houthuys, Middeleeuws kladwerk. De autograaf van de Brabantsche yeesten, boek VI (vijftiende eeuw). Hilversum, 2009.

H.L. Houtzager, ‘De medische boeken uit de bibliotheek van de Leidse koopman Daniël van der Meulen’. In: Geschiedenis der Geneeskunde 12 (2008), nr. 5, p. 273-277.

M.C. Howell, Commerce before Capitalism in Europe, 1300 – 1600. Cambridge, 2010.

E. Huizing en J. Braaksma, Klinkende klei. Middeleeuwse muziek uit Groningen en Ommelanden. Groningen, 2012.

T. Hunt (ed.), An Old French Herbal (Ms Princeton U.L. Garrett 131). Turnhout, 2009. Textes vernaculaires du moyen âge 4.
Uit de omschrijving van de uitgever: ‘The earliest Old French herbal in verse, here edited for the first time, is a surprisingly comprehensive work (3188 octosyllables), based on an eleventh-century Latin treatise De viribus herbarumattributed to a certain Macer. It occupies a significant place in the development of herbals and is an interesting witness to writing in Western France in the thirteenth century and to the unusual syntax and concentrated style of its author. Some one hundred and twenty-five plants are described together with their medicinal uses, which cover a remarkable range of ailments. For ease of recognition the sections of text which do not seem to be based on the received text of Macer are printed in italics. Quotations from the principal source and from parallels are given in the notes. This work will be of great value to all those interested in Old French, in medieval translation, the vernacular transmission of learning, and the history of medicine.’

T. Hunt (ed.), Three Anglo-Norman Treatises on Falconry. Oxford, 2009.

T. Hunt, ‘The Middle French Alchemical Treatises in MS Oxford, Bodleian Library DIGBY 164’. In: Medium Aevum LXXIX (2010), nr. 1, p. 90-115.



S. Jaeger, Magnificence and the Sublime in Medieval Aesthetics. Art, Architecture, Literature, Music. Houndmills, 2010.

H.R. James (transl.), Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius, Consolation of Philosophy. The University of Adelaide, 2007.

D. Juste, Les Alchandreana primitifs. Étude sur les plus anciens traités astrologiques Latins d’origine arabe (Xe siècle). Leiden, 2007. Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History 152; Brill’s Texts and Sources in Intellectual History 2.
Recensie door W.M. Stevens in: Isis. An International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences99 (2008), nr. 4, p. 825-826.



D. Kahn, Alchimie et paracelsisme en France à la fin de la Renaissance (1567–1625). Genève, 2007. Cahiers d’Humanisme et Renaissance 80.

Th.F. Kelly, The Practice of Medieval Music. Studies in Chant and Performance. Aldershot, 2010.

C.B. Kendall en F. Wallis (vert.), Bede. On the nature of things and On times. Liverpool, 2010.

H. King, Midwifery, Obstetrics and the Rise of Gynaecology. The Uses of a Sixteenth Century Compendium. Aldershot, 2007. Women and Gender in the Early Modern World.
Recensie door C. Alduy in: Renaissance Quarterly 61 (2008), nr. 2, p. 624-625.

J. Klápšte en P. Sommer (eds.), Processing, Storage, Distribution of Food. Food in the Medieval Rural Environment. Turnhout, 2011.

C. Kleinhenz en K. Busby (eds.), Medieval Multilingualism. The Francophone World and its Neighbours.Turnhout, 2010.

E. Kooper (ed.), The Medieval Chronicle VI. Amsterdam/New York, 2009.

C. Kosso en A. Scott, The Nature and Function of Water, Baths, Bathing and Hygiene from Antiquity through the Renaissance. Leiden, 2009.

C. Kostick (ed.), Medieval and Early Modern Women. Essays in honour of Christine Meek. Dublin, 2010.
Uit de recensie van C. Benes en T.J.H. McCarthy in The Medieval Review [] 11.02.11: “In 2007 Professor Christine Meek retired from the Department of Medieval History at Trinity College, Dublin after a distinguished career of teaching, research and service to the College. Her studies on the economic and social history of medieval and Renaissance Lucca are standard works in the field, while more recently she has turned to the history of medieval women. The volume under review seeks to acknowledge both of these interests, and the diverse essays contributed by Meek’s students and colleagues from both sides of the Atlan-tic coalesce–largely thanks to a well-crafted introduction by Conor Kostick–into a whole worthy of the ho-norand, and better than the volume’s admittedly awkward title might suggest. Christine Meek’s scholarship is characterized by meticulous archival research, thorough linguistic competency, and the self-assuredness to resist scholarly fads while taking advantage of their occasional merits. She has left an important legacy as well for her academic colleagues as for her students, and so it is fitting that her work should be celebrated with an elegantly produced Festschrift.”

M. Kowaleski (ed.), Medieval Towns: A Reader. Peterborough, Ontario, 2006. Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures.
Recensie door B.R. McRee in The Medieval Review 09.01.09. Het betreft een belangrijke verzameling middeleeuwse primaire bronnen op het gebied van het dagelijks leven in de laatmiddeleeuwse steden, met veel raakvlakken met de artesliteratuur. Veel teksten over o.a. onderwijs, de hofkunsten, gezondheidszorg en hygiëne, bestrijding van pest en honger, krijgskunde, economische aangelegenheden, kleding, en dieet. De meeste geëditeerde traktaten hebben betrekking op zaken waarmee de stedelijke bewoners regelmatig geconfronteerd werden: roddel en achterklap, huwelijk, erfenissen en testamenten, de opleiding tot een ambacht bij een gildemeester, marktvoorschriften, bouwtekeningen van koopmanshuizen, en nog heel veel ander materiaal van minder traditionele aard. Elk document gaat vergezeld van een korte inleiding waarin de bredere context waarbinnen het werk ontstond wordt geschetst, vaak in combinatie met technische bijzonderheden.

R. Kruk, ‘De mens in al zijn ijdelheid is minder dan een beest’. In: Madoc 25 (2011), nr. 2, p. 76-84.



M.M.A.C. Langenhuijsen, ‘Genealogie en curriculum van een fabeldier: de basilisk’. In: Volkskunde. Driemaandelijks tijdschrift voor de studie van het volksleven 110 (2009), nr. 1, p. 49-58.

Y. T. Langermann (ed.), Avicenna and his Legacy. A Golden Age of Science and Philosophy. Turnhout, 2009. Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages 8. [Verschijnt najaar 2009.] Beschrijving van de uitgever: ‘This volume presents seventeen essays on Avicenna, his followers and critics, many of whom are just now being introduced to western scholarship. These essays consider subjects including Islamic intellectual history, the nature of divine knowledge, astronomy, cosmology, medicine, ontology, philosophy, and the exegetical method.’

E.E. Leach, Sung Birds. Music, Nature, and Poetry in the Later Middle Ages. Ithaca/Londen, 2007.
Uit de omschrijving van de uitgever: ‘Is birdsong music? The most frequent answer to this question in the Middle Ages was resoundingly “no”. In Sung Birds, Elizabeth Eva Leach traces postmedieval uses of birdsong within Western musical culture. She first explains why such melodious sound was not music for medieval thinkers and then goes on to consider the ontology of music, the significance of comparisons between singers and birds, and the relationship between art and nature as enacted by the musical performance of late-medieval poetry. If birdsong was not music, how should we interpret the musical depiction of birdsong in human music-making? What does it tell us about the singers, their listeners, and the moral status of secular polyphony? Why was it the fourteenth century that saw the beginnings of this practice, continued to this day in the music of Messiaen and others?


1. Rational Song;
2. Birdsong and Human Singing;
3. Birds Sung;
4. Silent Birds: The Musical Chase and Gace de la Buigne’s Le Roman des Deduis;
5. Feminine Birds and Immoral Song;
6. Bird Debates Replayed; Appendices: Two Principal Voices in Grammar and Music; Four Species and Two Principal Voices in Grammar and Music Superimposed; Aegidius and Pliny on the Nightingale Compared; The Birdsong Pieces and Their Sources; A Note on the Music Examples; Love of Birds Using Musical Authorities; Arnulf’s Borrowings from Alan of Lille,De planctu Naturae.

P. De Leemans en M. Goyens (ed.), Aristotle’s Problemata in Different Times and Tongues. Leuven, 2006. Mediaevalia Lovaniensia, Series 1, Studia 39.
Uit de recensie van W.H. York in The Medieval Review 08.09.10: ‘Texts within the genre of Problemata drew together materials from Aristotle, Plutarch and Alexander of Aphrodisias, among others, on a wide range of subjects relating to natural science (including medicine and natural history). The gathered information was arranged in a question and answer format aimed at addressing natural particulars with the aura of an authoritative philosophical perspective. The text known as the Problemata Aristotelis, or Aristotle’s Problemata, is one such collection of questions that circulated widely in manuscripts and printed editions during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Based on Greek collections, the Problemata was introduced into Europe in Latin, but quickly became available in French, German and English translations.’


  • P. de Leemans en M. Goyens, ‘Introduction’;
  • J. Cadden, ‘Preliminary Observations on the Place of the Problemata in Medieval Learning’;
  • R.W. Sharples, ‘Pseudo-Alexander or Pseudo-Aristotle, Medical Puzzles and Physical Problems’;
  • L.S. Filius, ‘The Genre Problemata in Arabic. Its Motions and Changes’;
  • G.F. Vescovini, ‘L’Expositio Succinta Problematum Aristotelis de Pierre d’Abano’;
  • M. van der Lugt, ‘Aristotle’s Problems in the West. A Contribution to the Study of Medieval Latin Tra-dition’;
  • I. Ventura, ‘“Aristoteles fuit causa efficiens huius libri”. On the Reception of Pseudo-Aristotle’s Prob-lemata in Late Medieval Encyclopaedic Culture’;
  • F. Guichard-Tesson, ‘Evrart de Conty, poète, traducteur et commentateur’;
  • C. Boucher, ‘Des problèmes pour exercer l’entendement des lecteurs. Evrart de Conty, Nicole Oresme et la recherche de la nouveauté’;
  • J. Ducos, ‘Lectures et vulgarisation du savoir aristotélicien. Les gloses d’Evrart de Conty (sections XXV-XXVI)’;
  • G. Dumas, ‘Evrart de Conty et Pierre d’Abano. Commentateurs d’Aristote’;
  • A. Bloem, ‘A la recherche de la subjectivité dans les Problèmes d’Evrart de Conty. Un commentateur juché sur les épaules d’Aristote?’;
  • J. Monfasani, ‘George of Trebizond’s Critique of Theodore Gaza’s Translation of the Aristotelian Pro-blemata’.

I. de Leeuw, ‘De ogen van Cosimo I. Een erfelijke aandoening van de Medici Popolani?’. In: Geschiedenis der Geneeskunde 12 (2008), nr. 4, p. 196-201.

P. Lendinara, L. Lazzari en M.A. D’Aronco (ed.), Form and Content of Instruction in Anglo-Saxon England in the Light of Contemporary Manuscript Evidence. Papers Presented at the International Conference, Udine, 6-8 April 2006. Turnhout, 2007. Fédération Internationale des Instituts d’Études Médiévales, Textes et Études du Moyen Âge 39.
Uit de recensie door S.M. Rowley in The Medieval Review 08.12.01: ‘This collection of nineteen essays focuses on educational and medical texts, along with the layout and contents of the manuscripts in which these texts survive. The “core” of the essays were first presented at the International Conference on “Form and Content of Instruction in Anglo-Saxon England in The Light of Contemporary Manuscript Evidence” at the University of Udine (2006). Both are parts of the project, “Storehouses of Wholesome Learning”, which is “a joint project of Italian and Dutch scholars aimed at the study of the transmission, development and dissemination of encyclopaedic knowledge from the Mediterranean area to North Western Europe until 1200”.

C. Leonardi en F. Santi (ed.), Natura, scienze e società medievali. Studi in onore di Agostino Paravicini Bagliani. Turnhout, 2008. Micrologus’ Library 28

S. Levelt, Jan van Naaldwijk’s Chronicles of Holland. Continuity and Transformation in the Historical
Tradition of Holland during the Early Sixteenth Century
. Hilversum, 2011.
Uit de recensie van A. Janse in The Medieval Review [] 12.09.29: “This study, a PhD-thesis defended in London in 2011, is to be regarded as a passionate plea for taking medieval historiographical compilations seriously. Levelt scrupulously analysed two Dutch chronicles, both written by Jan van Naaldwijk, son of a nobleman from Holland, between 1514 and 1524. The first was an exceptionally lengthy compilation, based on a whole range of elder chronicles, some of which had been printed recently. It covers the history of the county of Holland from the fall of Troy to the author’s times. The second chronicle was meant as a supplement to the first.
Both texts have remained nearly totally unstudied for centuries. In the early 17th century, the autographs were given to the English bibliophile Robert Cotton, whose collection was subsequently incorporated into the British Library. Although both of the manuscripts were damaged by fire in 1771, most of the text (92%) is still readable. Yet no one seemed to be interested. Dutch scholars visiting London around 1900 reported to their colleagues in Holland that the chronicles were ‘mere compilations’ and, therefore, were not worth a trip to London. Levelt’s study shows that they were wrong. Even if he only corroborates the idea of a compilatory work, written by a not very gifted amateur, Levelt argues that it nevertheless deserves attention as a perfect illustration of the truism that ‘small changes can make a big difference, and the accumulation of many small changes can create a new historiography’.”

S. Lightsey, Manmade Marvels in Medieval Culture and Literature. New York, 2007.
Recensie door A. Pluskowski in The Medieval Review 08.05.16.

I. de Loos, Patronen ontrafeld. Studies over gregoriaanse gezangen en Middelnederlandse
. Hilversum, 2012.

G.M.P. Loots, ‘Gevalsbeschrijvingen uit de zestiende eeuw: op consult bij Pieter van Foreest’. In:Geschiedenis der Geneeskunde 12 (2008), nr. 6, p. 363-368.

R.A.B. López, ‘Consumption of Meat in Western European Cities during the Late Middle Ages. A Contemporary Study’. In: Food and History 8 (2010), nr. 1. Turnhout, 2010.
Aanvullende informatie van “A recently published article has revealed some interesting new details about meat consumption in the Middle Ages, including how different regions in medieval Western Europe had their own preferences for these foods. In the article, ‘Consumption of Meat in Western European Cities during the Late Middle Ages. A Contemporary Study’, Ramón Agustín Banegas López examines a wide range of evidence from England, France, Italy and the Iberian Peninsula to see what kinds of meat were eaten by its urban residents, including beef, mutton, pork and veal. One of the key conclusions of this article is that cattle and sheep were the main sources of meat throughout Western Europe, and that consumption of pork went into general decline during the 14th and 15th centuries, which López attributes to changes in farming after the Black Death. There was also a lot of regional variation – in northern France and England beef was the most popular type of meat. According to the late 14th-century book Mesnagier de Paris, in a typical week Parisian residents consumed over 95000 kilograms of beef, more than twice the amount of any other type of meat. López also notes that medieval cookbooks, like the Viandier and the Forme of Curye, had beef in their recipes more often than other meats. The situation in the Iberian Peninsula was different – the author makes use of a unique tax record from Barcelona which shows the meat consumption in that city during year of 1462. He finds that almost 70% of all the meat consumed was mutton (representing over 40000 animals), while beef consumption was just over 10%. Meanwhile, Catalan cookbooks dating back to the Middle Ages also show that when meat was used in recipes, it was usually mutton. López notes that in Italy there was a lot of seasonal variation in meat consumption. In late 14th century Prato, for example, “mutton was the most popular meat from the end of spring through the beginning of winter, and pork rose in popularity in September and peaked in January. Veal was sold mainly during summer – especially in August and September.” The consumption of veal and beef from young cattle was higher in Italy than in other parts of Europe. The author believes that the reasons behind the differences in meat consumptions between regions lies partly in the agricultural productivity of these areas, and partly in social preferences. López notes that the urban aristocracy in Italy preferred young animals, “which were finer meats than mutton and beef, as well as being more expensive and more prestigious.”

M. Lutz-Bachmann en A. Fidora (Hrsg.), Handlung und Wissenschaft. Die Epistemologie der praktischen Wissenschaften im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert / Action and Science. The Epistemology of the Practical Sciences in the 13th and 14th Centuries. Berlin, 2008.



J. Máchacek, The Rise of Medieval Towns and States in East Central Europe. Early Medieval Centers as Social and Economic Systems. Leiden/Boston, 2010.
Zie voor een uitgebreide recensie:

W.F. MacLehose, “A Tender Age”. Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. New York, 2008.
Is ook in zijn geheel te lezen op

M. Madero, Tabula Picta. Painting and Writing in Medieval Law. Philadelphia, 2010. [Translated by Monique Dscha Inciarte and Roland David Valayre. Foreword by Roger Chartier.]

Madoc. Tijdschrift over de Middeleeuwen 24 (2010), nr. 4. Themanummer: Straffen in de Middeleeu-wen.
Dit themanummer bevat artikelen van Adriaan Gaastra, Han Nijdam, Guy Geltner, Jan van Herwaarden, Dirk-Jan Horus, Clara Strijbosch, Peter Paalvast, Jos Koldeweij en Anna Adamska (column).
Informatie van de uitgever: “In discussies over misdaad en straf wordt vaak gerefereerd aan de Middeleeu-wen, waarin volgens de populaire opvatting gruwelijke lijfstraffen aan de orde van de dag waren en gevange-nissen nog geen ‘hotels’. De auteurs van dit themanummer van Madoc streven ernaar dit beeld te nuanceren door middeleeuwse concepten van straf in diverse regio’s en periodes vanuit verschillende invalshoeken te belichten. Hierbij komen vragen aan de orde als: wie werd er door wie gestraft, op basis van welke autoriteit, en voor welke (mis)daden? Met welk doel deelde men straf uit en waaruit kon deze bestaan? Welk beeld had men van (lichamelijk) geweld, en hoe zag de buitenwereld misdadigers en zondaars? Kunnen misdaden en straffen in dezelfde categorieën ingedeeld worden? Hoe en met welk doel werden straf en misdaad verbeeld in kunst en literatuur?”

M. Marafioti, ‘The Prescriptive Potency of Food in Michele Savonarola’s De Regime Pregnantium’. In: C.P. Moudarres (ed.), Table Talk. Perspectives of Food in Medieval Italian Literature. Newcastle, 2010.
Aanvullende informatie van “[this article] examines a mid-fifteenth century medical treatise that dealt with gynaecology, obstetrics and child-rearing, written by Michele Savonarola, the court physician of the Este family, rulers of Ferrrara. De Regime Pregnantium contains an important section on what food and drink one should and should not eat during pregnancy. Savonarola writes: ”It is important to consider both quality and quantity of nourishment, which is certainly the first and foremost foundation of both lives, especially of the child.” Savonarola, who dedicated this work to the noblewomen of Ferrara, was not only interested in making sure that the babies would be healthy, but also would be male. He believed that women could play an important role in the health, temperament and even sex of their unborn children. The best way they could do this was in the foods they ate. Medieval medical opinion believed that foods could play an important role in the health and behaviour of people – certain kinds of foods, if eaten too much, could cause illness or cause a person to become depressed or melancholic. Savonarola believed that the effects of food were even greater for unborn children, and developed a list of foods which should be eaten or avoided. Marafioti explains that “in order to give birth to a healthy, warm, and dry-tempered male child, pregnant women should consume warm and dry foods. Savonarola sustains that the warmth and dryness of certain foods will cancel out a woman’s inferior qualities and shape the fetus into a robust and healthy male child.” Among the recommendations made by the Italian doctor was to eat bread made from wheat instead of bran, avoid fried fish, be moderate in how much fruit to eat, and drink dry, red wine. Savonarola writes: ”Beware of using cold water, it is not good for the fetus and it causes the generation of girls, especially here in our region, so keep drinking wine.” He often notes that foods can have good and bad qualities, and generally advises people not to over-indulge in the same foods, otherwise it could risk a miscarriage. Even fruits like the pomegranate are risky, for while the sweet taste may be soothing, it is also acidic in the stomach. Therefore he advises women to drink it in a juice or add it to wine. Table Talk. Perspectives of Food in Medieval Italian Literature, edited by Christiana Purdy Moudarres, is a selection of revised and expanded papers presented at ‘Table Talk. Perspectives on Food in Medieval Italian Literature’, at a conference in Boston in 2009. Taken together, these essays explore the multifaceted role of food within medieval Italian culture through a variety of literary genres, from the poetry and prose of Dante and Boccaccio to the religious writings of Catherine of Siena.

M. Masi, Boethian number theory: a translation of the De Institutione Arithmetica (with introduction and notes). Rodopi, Amsterdam, 1983.

T.J. McGee (ed.), Instruments and their Music in the Middle Ages. Aldershot, 2009.
Uit de recensie van G. Peters in The Medieval Review [] 10.10.11: “This book is a compilation of twenty-eight essays which have been central to the research on medieval musical instruments over the last fifty years. This recent contribution to Ashgate’s series, Music in Medieval Europe, offers the reader much needed help in navigating this complex area of research for which numerous questions and problems have yet to be resolved.
The essays are organized into six categories: the classification of musical instruments, keyboards, plucked strings, bowed strings, winds, and finally, the repertory. The value of this collection lies in McGee’s selection of complementary essays that not only offer information on the construction of multiple instruments, but also on their social context.”

H. Meconi (ed.), Medieval Music. Aldershot, 2011.
Begeleidende tekst van de uitgever: “Almost a thousand years of music are treated in this volume on the performance practice of the Middle Ages, covering monophony and polyphony, sacred and secular, genre and theory. The essays selected deal with the most crucial of performers’ decisions: pitch, rhythm, and performing forces, as well as related matters such as proportions, tunings, and the need for ornamentation. The introduction provides an overview of the major issues and resources, situating medieval music within the context of the early music revival and the debate on authenticity and providing an extended bibliography of relevant scholarship.”

Mediaevalia. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Medieval Studies Worldwide 29 (2008), nr 1, Themanummer: D. Stewart (ed.), Science and Literature at the Crossroads: Papers from the 34th CEMERS Interdisciplinary Conference.

  • D. Stewart, ‘Introduction’, p. 1-6;
  • M. Nientied, ‘Divine Names and their Theoretical Implications’, p. 7-26;
  • F. Harris-Stoertz, ‘Pregnancy and Childbirth in Chivalric Literature’, p. 27-36;
  • L. Erussard, ‘At the Intersection of Religion, Folklore, and Science. Women and Snakes in Old French Arthurian Romance’, p. 37-50;
  • S. Kocher, ‘Gay Knights in Medieval French Fiction. Constructs of Queerness and Non-transgression’, p. 51-66;
  • J. Singer, ‘“Sa clarté première”. Cataract Removal as Metaphor in Fourteenth-Century French Poetry’, p. 67-82;
  • N. McLoughlin, ‘Personal Narrative and the Systematization of Knowledge in the Thought of Jean Gerson’, p. 83-108;
  • C. Eagleton, ‘John Whethamstede, Abbot of St. Albans, on the Discovery of the Liberal Arts and their Tools. Or, why were Astronomical Instruments in Late-Medieval Libraries?’, p. 109-136;
  • K.E. Smith, ‘The Astrological Subtext and Other Temporal Patternings in Lydgate’s Theban History’, p. 137-156;
  • M.E. Polhill, ‘Constructions of Gender and Class in a Late Fifteenth-Century Alemannic Pharmaceutical Bestiary’, p. 157-178;
  • J.A. Givens, ‘The Illustrated Tractatus de Herbis. Images, Information and Communication Design’, p. 179-206;
  • J.B. Friedman, ‘The Humor and Folly of the World in Odd Places. A Fifteenth-Century Manuscript Herbal’, p. 207-228.

C. Merchant, ‘“The Violence of Impediments”. Francis Bacon and the Origins of Experimentation’. In:Isis. An International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences 99 (2008), nr. 4, p. 731-760.
Samenvatting uitgever: ‘Francis Bacon’s use of metaphors to characterize his nascent concept of experi-mentation must be interpreted within the historical context of his time. His approach to experimentation is one in which nature is constrained by the “violence of impediments” and is made new by “art and the hand of man.” His language about nature should be placed in the context of the history of the contained, controlled experiment, a concept that emerges from juridical practice, from the idea of nature in bonds, and from the tradition of the secrets of nature in settings such as the courtroom, the anatomy theater, and the laboratory.’

M. Meyer, An Obscure Portrait. Imaging Women’s Reality in Byzantine Art. London, 2009.

Micrologus 17 (2009), Themanummer: La madre / The mother.
Inhoud o.a.:

  • P. Borgeaud, ‘La Mère des Dieux, l’ici et l’ailleurs’;
  • S. Campese, ‘Platone e le madri nel libro V della Repubblica’;
  • V. Dasen, ‘Empreintes maternelles’;
  • F. Sivo, ‘La metamorfosi dell’animo: da madri a novercae’;
  • E. Baumgarten, ‘Jewish Conceptions of Motherhood in Medieval Christian Europe. Dialogue and Difference’;
  • L. Moulinier, ‘Aspects de la maternité selon Hildegarde de Bingen (1098-1179)’;
  • Y. Cazal, ‘Nec jam modo Mater. Enquête sur une dénomination disparue pour désigner “la Mère qui a perdu son enfant”’;
  • M. Uhlig, ‘La Mère, auxiliaire ou adversaire de l’idylle? Les figures maternelles dans deux récits idyl-liques des XIIe et XIIIe siècles’;
  • J. Wirth, ‘Le sein féminin au Moyen Age’;
  • D. Lett, ‘Les mères demeurent des filles et des soeurs. Les statuts familiaux des femmes dans les Marches au début du XIVe siècle’;
  • C. Klapisch-Zuber, ‘Une filiation contestée: la lignée maternelle à Florence, XIVe-XVe siècles’;
  • O. Niccoli, ‘Corps maternels. Les mystères de la génération aux débuts de l’époque moderne’;
  • C. Schuster Cordone, ‘Maternité et sénescence. Le corps féminin entre prodige et transgression’.

F.P. Miller, A.F. Vandome en J. McBrewster (eds.), Medieval Dance. Beau Bassin (Mauritius), 2011.

S.A. Miller, Medieval Monstrosity and the Female Body. New York/London, 2010.

L. Millis, Van waarheden en werkelijkheid. De opvattingen van de middeleeuwers in het blikveld van nu. Hilversum, 2011.

V. Minazzi en C. Ruini (eds.), Historical Atlas of Medieval Music. Turnhout, 2012.

M. Montanari, Cheese, Pears, and History in a Proverb. New York, 2010.

N. Morgan en S. Panayotova (eds.) m.m.v. van M. Meuwese, E. Neuw, S. Reynolds, H. Vorholt en A. Worm, A catalogue of Western Book Illumination in the Fitzwilliam Museum and the Cambridge College. Part I. The Low Countries. Germany, Bohemia, Austria, Hungary and London/Turnhout, 2009.

K. Müller, Visuelle Weltaneignung. Astronomische und kosmologische Diagramme in Handschriften des Mittelalters. Göttingen, 2008. Historische Semantik 11.

G. de Munck, ‘400 Jaar receptuurkunde te Antwerpen’. In: Geschiedenis der Geneeskunde 12 (2008), nr. 5, p. 296-304.
Behandelt de Antwerpse receptenboeken vanaf het begin van de zestiende eeuw.

R.E. Murray Jr., S. Forscher Weiss en C.J. Cyrus, Music Education in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Bloomington (IN), 2010.



K. Nieuwenhuisen, ‘Vlees voor wormen. Afbeeldingen van Vraat- en Drankzucht in de Middeleeuwen (circa 800-1500)’. In: Madoc 23 (2009), nr. 4, p. 215-224.

H. van Nieuwenhuize, ‘Specialisatie als seizoensgebonden mogelijkheid. De organisatie van de Zeeuwse zoutvaart op Engeland (1453-1568)’. In: Tijdschrift voor zeegeschiedenis 27 (2008), nr. 2, p. 139-151.
Over een belangrijk onderdeel van de laatmiddeleeuwse koopmansboeken, namelijk de ontwikkeling van de handel in zout.

B. Nykes (transl.), Guido Bonatti, The Book of Astronomy. The Cazimi Press, 2007.



B.W. Ogilvie. The Science of Describing. Natural History in Renaissance Europe. Chicago, 2008.
Recensie door K. Crowther in: Isis. An International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences99 (2008), nr. 4, p. 828-829.



C. Page, The Christian West and its Singers. The First Thousand Years. New Haven en London, 2010.
Uit de recensie van A.V. Clark in The Medieval Review [] 10.10.07: “This is an extraordinary book. Immensely learned and generous with text and image, its goal is to survey what we can know about singers in the Latin West up to c. 1100, a particularly daunting task considering the paucity of documentary sources, especially for the earlier part of this period, and the complete absence of musical notation for most of the period under study. It is necessary therefore to mine material that is not intended to provide information about musical practice, such as chronicles, saints’ lives, charters, and epigraphy. Such a project is necessarily an exercise in reading between the lines, requiring both excellent scholarship and vivid imagination. Christopher Page may be the best person to take on such a difficult task. Scholar of medieval literature and music and director of the ensemble Gothic Voices, he possesses both the scholarly rigor and the artistic imagination to take the hints available and weave them into a compelling story. This bifocal approach has served both his writing and his performance well in the past, and it does so here.
He makes clear at the outset that the book “is not about what singers actually sang” (5), nor is it about all singers, but only those who were part of the clerical and monastic communities and therefore participated in the literate tradition. (Readers who are interested in secular song traditions should turn to Page’s earlier books.) Here he provides a vivid portrait of the world in which these early clerical singers lived. That means considerable space is given to descriptions and images relating to doctrinal issues, maritime communication, and other topics that may not appear to be immediately relevant, but that makes their lives more real than the limited information available can do on its own. As Page reminds us, those who sang in worship during this period were almost never solely dedicated to that task – they were clerics with broad responsibilities, participating in the full range of contemporary issues.”

A. Paravicini Bagliani (ed.), Le monde végétal. Médecine, Botanique, Symbolique. Turnhout, 2009. Micrologus’ Library.

D. Pastina, J. W. Crayton (eds.), Tomas Garzoni, The Hospital of Incurable Madness (1586). Turnhout, 2008. Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and Renaissance 26.
Uit de beschrijving van de uitgever: ‘In 1586, Tomaso Garzoni, an Augustinian monk and prolific encyc-lopedist, set out to describe thirty types of madness he had encountered in both his reading and his home town of Bagnacavallo, near Ravenna. The result was his Hospedale de’ pazzi incurabili, or, The Hospital of Incurable Madness, a work that was immensely popular in Europe upon publication.’

K.V. Pedersen en M.L.B. Nosch (eds.), The Medieval Broadcloth. Changing Trends in Fashions, Ma-nufacturing and Consumption. Oxford, 2009.
Uit de recensie van P.M. Carns in The Medieval Review [] 10.12.01: “The eight essays in The Medieval Broadcloth: Changing Trends in Fashions, Manufacturing and Consumption grew out of an interdisciplinary seminar on the medieval broadcloth held at the Lüdüse Museum in Sweden in 2006 that brought together archaeologists and historians. The study of medieval textiles is a well-established field with scholars falling roughly into two camps: historians who study the wealth of surviving archival documents pertaining directly and indirectly to textile production, consumption and use and archaeologists who study actual textile remains. A third category of source material are the many works of art from throughout Europe that depict the making, wearing and selling of clothes, which both historians and archaeologist might use in their analysis. A major contribution of the seminar and resulting essays is the bringing together of historians and archaeologists to engage in cross-disciplinary discussion and study of the medieval broadcloth. The term broadcloth is used in historical research to describe a general class of woven textiles that were mass-produced in various European centers, mainly Flanders, from the eleventh to the fifteenth centuries and exported throughout Europe. Identifying broadcloth in the archaeological evidence is not easy, “thus making the topic of medieval broadcloth very suitable as an interdisciplinary area of study”, as quoted in the book’s introduction.”

O. Pedersen, The Two Books. Historical Notes on Some Interactions between Natural Science and Theology. Ed. G.V. Coyne en T. Sierotowicz. Notre Dame, Ind., 2007.
Recensie door K. van Berkel in: Isis. An International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences99 (2008), nr. 4, p. 817-818.

L. Perry en A. Schwartz (eds.), Behaving like Fools. Voice, Gesture, and Laughter in Texts, Manuscripts, and Early Books. Turnhout, 2011.
Nadere informatie van de uitgever: “This collection of essays brings together the most up-to-date work on the subject of fools and foolishness in English, Dutch, French, and German literature, art, and society from 1200 to 1600, providing a refreshing approach to the well-known subject of foolery. The period from 1200 to 1600 was the golden age of fools. From representations of irreverent acts to fullblown insanity, fools appeared on the misericords of gothic churches and in the plots of Arthurian narratives, before achieving a wider prominence in literature and iconography in the decades around 1500. But how are we to read these figures appropriately? Is it possible to reconstruct the fascination that fools exerted on the medieval and early modern mind?
While modern theories give us the analytical tools to explore this subject, we are faced with the paradox that by striving to understand fools and foolishness we no longer accept their ways but impose rational categories on them. Together these essays propose one way out of this dilemma. Instead of attempting to define the fool or trying to find the common denominator behind his many masks, this volume focuses on the qualities, acts, and gestures that signify foolishness. By investigating different manifestations of foolery rather than the figure of the fool himself, we can begin to understand the proliferation of fools and foolish behaviour in the texts and illustrations of manuscripts and early books.”

V. Pinilla (ed.), Markets and Agricultural Change in Europe from the 13th to the 20th Century.Turnhout, 2009. Rural History in Europe 2. [Verschijnt najaar 2009.]

C. Poster en L.C. Mitchell (ed.), Instruction from Letter-Writing Manuals and Antiquity to the Present. Historical and Bibliographic Studies. Columbia, SC, 2007. Studies in Rhetoric/Communication.
Inhoud van de relevante artikelen:

  • C. Poster, ‘Introduction’, p. 1-6;
  • R.G. Sullivan, ‘Classical Epistolary Theory and the Letters of Isocrates’, p. 7-20;
  • C. Poster, ‘A Conversation Halved. Epistolary Theory in Greco-Roman Antiquity’, p. 21-51;
  • M. Richardson, ‘The Ars dictaminis, the Formulary, and Medieval Epistolary Practice’, p. 52-66;
  • M. Camargo, ‘If You Can’t Join Them, Beat Them. Or, When Grammar Met Business Writing (in Fif-teenth-Century Oxford)’, p. 67-87;
  • G. Burton, ‘From Ars dictaminis to Ars conscribendi epistolis. Renaissance Letter-Writing Manuals in the Context of Humanism’, p. 88-101;
  • L.D. Green, ‘Dictamen in England, 1500-1700’, p. 102-126;
  • W. Webster Newbold, ‘Letter Writing and Vernacular Literacy in Sixteenth-Century England’, p. 127-140.

A. Pritchard, Alchemy. A Bibliography of English Language Writings. CD-ROM. Tweede ed., versie 2.02. Januari 2008.
Recensie door D. Kahn in: Isis. An International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences 99 (2008), nr. 4, p. 829-830.

C. Purdy Moudarres, Table Talk: Perspectives on Food in Medieval Italian Literature. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, 2010.
Aanvullende informatie op “This volume is comprised of a selection of revised and expanded papers presented at ‘Table Talk: Perspectives on Food in Medieval Italian Literature’, a panel held at the 40th annual convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association (Boston, February 26 – March 1, 2009). Taken together, these essays explore the multifaceted role of food within medieval Italian culture through a variety of literary genres, from the poetry and prose of Dante and Boccaccio to the medical and religious writings of Michele Savonarola and Catherine of Siena. By examining the complexity of food consumption and distribution in the late medieval cultural imagination, the authors seek to advance the recent movement of food studies from the margins of socialhistory to a fertile cross-section of the humanities and social sciences. The four sections into which the work is divided reflect the medical, religious, social and political circumstances that placed Italy at the vanguard of late medieval Europe’s dynamic foodways. In embracing the interdisciplinarity that distinguishes food studies as an area of scholarly interest, the essays collected in this volume aim to stimulate further inquiry into the fertile field of food in medieval Italian literature.”

J. Puttevils, ‘Klein gewin brengt rijkdom in. De Zuid-Nederlandse handelaars in de export naar Italië in de jaren 1540’. In: Tseg. Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 6 (2009), nr. 1, p. 26-52.



S. Rankovic, L. Melve en E. Mundal (eds.), Along the Oral-Written Continuum. Types of Texts, Relations and their Implications. Turnhout, 2010.

P.R. Robinson (ed.), Teaching Writing, Learning to Write. Proceedings of the XVIth Colloquium of the Comité International de Paléographie Latine. Londen, 2010.

C.J. Rogers, Soldiers’ Lives Through History. The Middle Ages. Wesport, Conn., 2009.
Uit de recensie door D.J. Kagay in The Medieval Review 09.01.12: ‘In light of the historiographical trend of the last few decades that has led research away from political and economic studies and toward the chronicling of marginalized groups and individuals, it is astounding to note that during this same time frame military history, once the unfettered preserve of retired campaigners, has expanded almost as greatly as social history. […] An expert in the campaigns of Edward III (1327-1377) and the amazingly varied military arenas of the Hundred Years War, Rogers in this work shows his wide erudition in all phases of warfare across all the medieval centuries. Following the changes in military affairs from the fall of Rome (476) to that of Constantinope (1453), Rogers in this work peers into the lives of individual soldiers through the martial environments in which they lived. By using primary source material of many eras and locales and tying it together with the intelligent use of modern secondary works, he follows ar-mies from their societal basis to their various means of recruitment and encampment to the various en-gagements they participated in including sieges, battles, and widespread raids and devastation and finally to the aftermath of their military service.’

P.W. Rosemann, ‘Philosophy and Theology in the Universities’. In: C. Lansing and E.D. English (eds.), A Companion to the Medieval World. Chichester, 2009.

D.J. Rothenberg, The Flower of Paradise. Marian Devotion and Secular Song in Medieval and Renaissance Music. Oxford, 2011.

V. van Roy, ‘De medicalisering van het vroedvrouwenberoep te antwerpen in de Nieuwe Tijd’. In:Geschiedenis der Geneeskunde 12 (2008), nr. 6, p. 345-355.
Beschrijft de formalisering en regulatie van het beroep van vroedvrouw aan de hand van drie ijkpunten in de tijd, waarvan het oudste (1494) zich nog in de late Middeleeuwen bevindt.

E. Rubino (ed.), Aristoteles Meteorologica Liber quartus. Translatio Henrici Aristippi. Turnhout, 2010.
Begeleidende tekst van de uitgever: “Nachdem am Anfang 2009 Gudrun Vuillemin-Diem eine doppelbändige kritische Ausgabe von Wilhelm von Moerbekes Translatio nova der Meteorologica des Aristoteles vorgelegt hat (Aristoteles Latinus X, 2,1/2), erscheint jetzt die Edition der ersten und ältesten griechisch-lateinischen Übersetzung der aristotelischen Meteorologie. Diese Übersetzung beschränkt sich auf Meteorologica, Buch IV, und wurde um die Mitte des XII. Jahrhunderts von Henricus Aristippus, Erzdiakon der Kathedrale von Catania und bedeutender politischer Gestalt am normannischen Hof Wilhems II. von Sizilien, angefertigt.
Die Übertragung des Henricus ist der einzige Teil der sog. Translatio vetus der Meteorologica, der unmittelbar aus dem Griechischen übersetzt wurde, während der Rest des Textes auf die arabisch-lateinische Übersetzung Gerhards von Cremona beruht. Der kritisch edierte Text wird heute durch 96 Handschriften überliefert. Sämtliche Handschriften wurden für die Textkonstitution berücksichtigt. Der Band enthält eine Einleitung, den lateinischen Text und die Indices verborum. Mit dieser Publikation wird die Abteilung X, Meteorologica, des Aristoteles Latinus abgeschlossen.”

A.M.G. Rutten, De Rx code. Van hiërogliefrecept tot potjeslatijn. Rotterdam, 2006.
Recensie door A.C. van Loenen in Geschiedenis der Geneeskunde 12 (2008), nr. 5, p. 316.

Z. van Ruyven-Zeman, Stained Glass in the Netherlands before 1795. Part I: The North en Stained Glass in the Netherlands before 1795. Part II: The South. Amsterdam, 2011.



E. Salter en H. Wicker (eds.), Vernacularity in England and Wales, c. 1300-1550. Turnhout, 2011.

Y. Schauwecker, Die Diätetik nach dem ‘Secretum secretorum’ in der Version von Jofroi de Waterford. Teiledition und lexikalische Untersuchung. Würzburg, 2007.

E.C. Schianca, La cucina medievale. Lessico, storia, preparazioni. Florence, 2011.

T. Scully, Du fait de cuisine/On Cookery of Master Chiquart (1420): “Aucune science de l’art de cuysinerie et de cuysine”. Tempe, 2010.
Uit de recensie van C.M. Rose in The Medieval Review [] 12.09.11: “Scully’s informative introduction to the treatise treads a middle ground between the general audience and medievalists with some background in culinary matters. He defines and presents various things most medieval specialists would know, but then introduces many nuggets of new information or background matter that keep this section meaty and interesting. And yet, Scully begins inauspiciously, evoking knights on chargers and refined ladies diaphanously dressed and their boorish opposites, loutish degenerates gorging on greasy joints of meat and “swilling and spilling endless goblets of ale”.
Fortunately, he then reminds us that the late Middle Ages was indeed a complex historical moment, needing to be fleshed out with as much archaeological and artifact-based study as possible. It is in that light he imparts the present volume of cookery. He could have done away with the mention of “ye olde” knights-and-ladies-and-churls material to plunge directly into what certainly is a serious and scholarly consideration of foodstuffs and cooking in the period.
Scully’s introduction acquaints the readers with the various cooking conditions that obtained in medieval houses, rich or modest: where the fire might be sited, locations of kitchens and how elaborate their cooking areas, the drawbacks of wood fires vs. coal fires, methods of time-keeping, measuring ingredients, saucing and using the mortar and pestle. In the section on ‘Culinary theory and practice’ he describes the intriguing notion of the “quasi-medicinal” nature of medieval cookery and its place in the ducal household. I have not seen this contemporary medical theory as determining culinary practice so convincingly explained elsewhere. Chefs, Scully notes, took care to respect the court physicians or astrologers in safeguarding the master’s health and well-being.
It was incumbent upon cooks in fine residences to know the medical function of the various ingredients according to the theory of the humors; how, for example, a sauce of mustard (a ‘dry’ sauce) should not accompany a ‘dry’ meat such as hare, for it would create an unhealthy imbalance. “The temperament of foods, the generic human temperament, and the specific particular temperaments of an individual for whom he is preparing food must all be taken into account by a cook: the food and the diner must be complementary, they must be in harmony.” Scully cites the Regimen sanitatis (1332) of Magninus Mediolanensis as a valuable source for just such lore on the medical functions of food and sauces in balancing the diners’ digestions, as well as for directions on the appropriate manner for cooking any fish or meat.
While Scully remarks on the difficulty of documenting Chiquart’s adherence to such regimens or any influence upon his work from the Duke’s physicians, the chef’s recipe book reveals that his culinary system generally abided by the teachings of medieval medicine concerning the most salutary and healthful methods of cooking particular meats, and the most suitable sauces to accompany them to balance the humours.”

S. Simon, Si je le veux, il mourra! Maléfices et sorcellerie dans la campagne genevoise (1497-1530). Lausanne, 2007. Cahiers Lausannois d’Histoire Médiévale 42.
Recensie door P. Charlier in The Medieval Review 08.10.11. Inhoud o.a.:

  • P.H. Choffat, ‘La sorcellerie comme exutoire. Tensions et conflits locaux: Dommartin 1524-1528’;
  • M. Ostorero, ‘Folâtrer avec les démons. Sabbat et chasse aux sorciers à Vevey (1448)’;
  • E. Maier, ‘Trente ans avec le diable. Une nouvelle chasse aux sorciers sur la Riviera lémanique (1477-1484)’;
  • S. Strobino, ‘Françoise sauvée des flammes? Une Valaisanne accusée de sorcellerie au XVe siècle’;
  • L. Pfister, ‘L’enfer sur terre. Sorcellerie à Dommartin (1498)’;
  • G. Modestin, ‘Le diable chez l’évêque. Chasse aux sorciers dans le diocèse de Lausanne (vers 1460)’;
  • M. Ostorero, A. Paravicini Bagliani, K. Utz Tremp en C. Chène, ‘L’imaginaire du sabbat. Édition critique des textes les plus anciens (1430 c. – 1440 c.)’;
  • M. Ostorero, K. Utz Tremp en G. Modestin, ‘Inquisition et sorcellerie en Suisse romande. Le registre Ac 29 des Archives cantonales vaudoises (1438-1528)’.

M. Solomon, Fictions of Well-Being. Sickly Readers and Vernacular Medical Writing in Late Medieval and Early Modern Spain. Philadelphia, 2010.
Uit de recensie van E. Juárez-Almendros in The Medieval Review [] 11.06.09: “Professor Solomon’s book is a remarkable contribution to the knowledge of neglected Iberian late medieval and early modern vernacular medical discourses. The nature, purposes, and scope of Fictions of Well-Being are expressed in the preface. The book is an examination of over three hundred primary texts written from 1305 to 1650 in the Iberian Peninsula in order to convey “an informal inventory of vernacular medical writing while attempting to set forth a theory of reader response to this body of writing” (xii-xiii). The text is divided into a preface, an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, notes, a lengthy bibliography, and an index. It also includes seven illustrations. […] Professor Michael Solomon’s examination of more than three hundred vernacular sources and his attempt to classify their common rhetorical devices, and to envision their practical use and effects is very commendable. Fictions of Well-Being is, without question, a ‘must read’ for any scholar interested in further exploring the overlooked late medieval and early modern vernacular medical writings in the Iberian Peninsula. In addition to Solomon’s suggestion of exploring the contribution of these texts to the formation of social inequalities, other important questions implied in this book should be explored further. How, for instance, do these writings maintain or depart from traditional conceptions of bodies and gender divisions? How do they create normality versus disability? How do they contribute to the construction or elimination of social stigma and segregation? In what sense do medical recipes and concoctions differ or conform to other current healing practices? How did vernacular medical discourses influence artistic depictions of sickness and body impairments? In the examination of these texts it can be very useful to use recent body and disability theories to answer some of these questions. Fictions of Well-Being opens the field of early modern vernacular medical writings for these types of explorations.”

R. Stein en J. Pollman (eds.), Networks, Regions and Nations. Shaping Identities in the Low Countries, 1300-1650. Leiden / Boston, 2010.

M. Streijger, P.J.J.M. Bakker en J.M.M.H. Thijssen (ed.), John Buridan Quaestiones super libros De generatione et corruptione Aristotelis. A Critical Edition with an Introduction. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, 2010.
Aanvullende informatie van de uitgever: “John Buridan (d. 1361) was one of the most talented and influential philosophers of the late Middle Ages. His fame extended far into the seventeenth century and underwent a revival in the twentieth century, when the French physicist Pierre Duhem rediscovered his manuscripts and wrote studies about them. So far, very few of Buridan’s works have been edited. Two different questions commentaries on Aristotle’s De generatione et corruptione by Buridan have been preserved. They originated in his classroom. Neither of them has ever been edited. This book presents a critical edition of the question commentary that survived in the greater number of manuscripts, and which was particularly popular at Central European universities.”

S. Swain (ed.), Seeing the Face, Seeing the Soul. Polemon’s Physiognomy from Classical Antiquity to Medieval Islam. M.m.v. G. Boys-Stones, J. Elsner, A. Ghersetti [e.a.]. Oxford, 2007.

G.E. Szonyi, John Dee’s Occultism. Magical Exaltation through Powerful Signs. Albany, 2005. SUNY Series in Western Esoteric Traditions.
Recensie door S. Clucas in: Isis. An International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences 99 (2008), nr. 4, p. 830-831.



Thijssen, J.M.M.H. and Jack Zupko (eds.), The Metaphysics and Natural Philosophy of John Buridan. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, 2001.

W.J. Turner, Madness in Medieval Law and Custom. Leiden / Boston, 2010.



S. Vanderputten (ed.), Understanding Monastic Practices of Oral Communication (Western Europe, Tenth-Thirteenth Centuries). Turnhout, 2011.

B.L. Venarde (ed. en vert.), The Rule of Saint Benedict. Cambridge, 2011.

R. Vervoort, ‘De zaak van de gestolen fallussen’. In: Millennium. Tijdschrift voor middeleeuwse studies22 (2008), nr. 1, p. 45-67.
Betreft een belangrijk aspect van de laatmiddeleeuwse hekserij en artes magicae.

E. di Vincenzo, Kitab al-’adwiya al-mufrada di ‘Abu Ga’far ‘Ahmad b. Muhammad b. ‘Ahmad b. Sayyid Al-Gafiqi (Xii sec.). Edizione del capitolo ‘Alif con indici e apparato critico in nota. Pisa / Rome, 2009.
Uit de recensie van A.C. McCollum in The Medieval Review [] 12.01.13: “This slim volume contains an edition of the preface and the first letter of the pharmaco-botanical dictionary of the Spanish-Arabic scholar Al-Gafiqi, with an introduction and an Italian translation of the preface of the Arabic work.”



F. Wallis (ed.), Medieval Medicine. A Reader. Toronto, 2010.
Uit de recensie van M. Kozodoy in The Medieval Review [] 11.04.07: “The most recent volume in the valuable Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures series (series editor Paul Edward Dutton) is a rich collection of primary sources depicting the development between 500 C.E. and 1500 C.E of western European medicine. It covers medical theory and practice as well as the profession of medicine and its practitioners, inside and out of the central institutions of medieval intellectual culture: the monastery, the court, and the university. Edited by Faith Wallis, the work is a significant accomplishment, providing not only a coherent history of its subject but a fascinating series of windows onto medieval society. The remarkable variety of sources on display here is a testament to Wallis’s expansive understanding of the role played in that society by medicine and medical theory, from their inception in scattered translations of ancient texts and practical handbooks competing (sometimes unsuccessfully) with the healing powers of saints, through their development into a full theoretical system of rationalized care studied, taught, and elaborated within dedicated faculties in European universities. In brief, this is a work that will be indispensable to anyone teaching a course on the history of medicine in western Europe.”

R. Ward, The World of the Medieval Shipmaster. Law, Business and the Sea, c.1350-c.1450. Woodbridge, 2009.
Uit de omschrijving van de uitgever: ‘Despite a background of war, piracy, depopulation, bullion shortag-es, adverse political decisions, legal uncertainties and deteriorating weather conditions, between the mid-fourteenth and the mid-fifteenth centuries the English merchant shipping industry thrived. New markets were developed, voyages became longer, ships and cargoes increased in size and value, and an interest in ship ownership as an investment spread throughout the community. Using a rich range of examples drawn from court and parliamentary records, contemporary literature and the codifications of maritime law, this book illuminates the evolving management and commercial practices which developed to regulate the relationships between shipowners, shipmasters, crews and shipping merchants. It also brings to life ship performance, navigation, seamanship, and the frequently harsh conditions on board.’

I. Warntjes en D.Ó Cróinín (eds.), Computus and its Cultural Context in the Latin West, AD 300-1200. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Science of Computus in Ireland and Europe, Galway, 14-16 July, 2006. Turnhout, 2010.
Begeleidende tekst van de uitgever: “The scientific knowledge that Irish, English, and continental European scholars nurtured and developed during the years c. AD 500 to c. AD 1200 was assimilated, in the first place, from the wider Roman world of Late Antiquity. Time-reckoning, calendars, and the minute reckonings required to compute the date of Easter, all involved the minutiae of mathematics (incl. the original concept of ‘digital calculation’) and astronomical observation in a truly scientific fashion. In fact, the ‘Dark Ages’ were anything but dark in the fields of mathematics and astronomy. The first Science of Computus conference in Galway in 2006 highlighted the transmission of Late Antique Mathematical Knowledge in Ireland & Europe, the development of astronomy in Early Medieval Ireland & Europe and the role of the Irish in the development of computistical mathematics. The proceedings of that conference should, therefore, appeal equally to those interested in the history of science in Ireland and Europe, and in the origins of present-day mathematical and astronomical ideas.”

I. Warntjes, The Munich Computus. Text and Translation. Irish Computistics between Isidore of Seville and the Venerable Bede and Its Reception in Carolingian Times. Stuttgart, 2010.

V. Watts (transl.), Boethius, Consolation of Philosophy. Rev. ed., Penguin, Harmondworth, 1999.

O. Weijers, Études sur la Faculté des arts dans les universités médiévales. Recueil d’articles. Turnhout, 2011.
Nadere informatie van de uitgever: “Ce recueil comprend dix-neuf articles concernant divers aspects de l’enseignement à la Faculté des arts au moyen âge. Ils ont été publiés, depuis une vingtaine d’années environ, dans des revues, des actes de colloques et autres volumes collectifs. La dispersion de ces publications rend leurs liens réciproques assez opaques et il a semblé utile de les réunir en un volume.
Tous les articles repris ici sont suivis de notes qui donnent des corrections, des compléments de bibliographie, etc. L’un d’entre eux (le numéro XIV) est suivi du texte d’une communication dont le thème est dans ses grandes lignes le même et qui n’est pas encore parue (XIVa). Une autre communication qui n’a pas été publiée a été reprise sous le numéro XIX.
Les articles ont été organisés en six sections, selon les six thèmes qui ont retenu mon attention ces dernières années. Le premier, l’étude du vocabulaire, remonte à une époque plus lointaine, où mes travaux de lexicographie m’ont inspiré des recherches sur l’origine des termes techniques de la vie intellectuelle au moyen âge. Le deuxième thème, les examens et les cérémonies dans les universités médiévales, est issu du premier et témoigne, comme les autres, de mon intérêt grandissant pour la vie intellectuelle, en particulier dans les universités médiévales.
L’étude du vocabulaire mène non seulement à la réalité historique, mais aussi aux textes témoignant de cette réalité et de l’activité intellectuelle qui s’y exprime. Ces textes n’ont pas seulement un contenu, mais aussi une forme qui n’est pas le fruit du hasard et qui a une influence sur le contenu même. C’est pourquoi le sujet des genres littéraires m’a semblé important à explorer, brièvement ou, dans la seconde étude de la troisième section, comme un moyen de classification de textes divers traitant du même sujet.
La cinquième section, sur la disputatio, rassemble quelques études qui complètent les monographies que j’ai publiées sur ce sujet: La ‘disputatio’ à la Faculté des arts de Paris (1200-1350 environ) et La ‘disputatio’ dans les Facultés des arts au moyen âge, parues respectivement en 1995 et 2002. Finalement, la sixième section réunit quelques études centrées sur les disciplines enseignées: la façon dont la lecture des textes de base s’est transformée graduellement en discipline systématique, la place qu’avait sans doute la musique dans l’enseignement de la Faculté des arts, et, en dernier, un exemple de l’influence de la logique sur une tout autre discipline, à savoir le droit.”

L.M. van der Wijden, Scheve ogen in de Lage Landen. De functie en betekenis van afgunst en jaloezie in Middelnederlandse teksten. Santpoort Zuid, 2011.

N. Wilkins (ed.), Words and Music in Medieval Europe. Aldershot, 2011.

A. Willemsen en H. Kik, Dorestad in an International Framework. New Research on Centres of Trade and Coinage in Carolingian times. Turnhout, 2010.

J.M. van Winter, m.m.v. M. Meuwese, O.S.H. Lie en L. Jongen, ‘Kluiven in een keldergewelf. Prototype van een middeleeuwse maaltijd in hedendaags perspectief?’. In: Madoc. Tijdschrift over de middeleeuwen 22 (2008), nr. 4, p. 241-246. Themanummer: Kijk op de middeleeuwen.

H. Wollens, D. Dewolf en R. van Hee, ‘Op zoek naar sporen van Vesalius: een wandeling in Padua’. In:Geschiedenis der Geneeskunde 12 (2008), nr. 4, p. 232-250.
Geïllustreerd met talrijke afbeeldingen en foto’s wordt in dit artikel onderzocht waar en hoe Vesalius sporen heeft nagelaten in het hedendaagse Padua. Zie ook een soortgelijk artikel over Galenus van Dewolf en Wollens elders in deze lijst.

G.R.H. Wright, Ancient Building Technology, vol. 3: Construction. Boston, 2009.
Uit de recensie van S. Thompson in The Medieval Review [] 11.03.07: “Wright’s latest publication follows two prior volumes, the first (Ancient Building Technology, Volume 1: Historical Background) appearing in 2000, and the second (Ancient Building Technology, Volume 2: Materials) appearing in 2005. This third volume focuses on practical aspects of construction in the Neolithic era, the ancient Near East, ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, with occasional descriptions of Sassanian and Byzantine construction. Wright fulfills his stated goal of providing a ready reference, as his book compiles existing information about construction techniques in the ancient world in a convenient format that makes it easy for the reader to locate a specific subject of interest. The volume is relentlessly organized: the table of contents provides a lengthy summary of the chapters, while each chapter begins with an outline that corresponds to the headings and subheadings of the text and ends with a subject-specific bibliography. Wright begins with a chapter on preparatory measures, namely drawings, directions, and quantity surveying, followed by a chapter on setting out. Building site development is treated in great detail in the third chapter. The last four chapters each cover construction in a specific material: wood, stone, brick, and concrete.”

D. Wyckoff (transl.), Albertus Magnus, Book of Minerals. Oxford University Press: Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1967.



J.M. Ziolkowski, Nota Bene. Reading Classics and Writing Melodies in the Early Middle Ages. Turnhout, 2007. Publications of the Journal of Medieval Latin 7.

J. Zuiderduijn en T. De Moor, ‘Markteconomie en gecijferdheid in de late Middeleeuwen’. In: Madoc 24 (2010), nr. 3, p. 130-139.